10. February 2005 · Comments Off on H2G2 Frenzy Builds (Vogon Porn) · Categories: That's Entertainment!

There’s only one movie that I’m waiting for this year. Yes, I’m curious about the duel between Anikin and Obi Wan, but when that scene is over, I’m expecting to take a nap while Boyo finishes the rest of the flick.

But the movie that has me impatiently checking the calendar for the 6th of May and that has me keeping my towel handy, is “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy.”

Here’s some Vogon Porn for you all. It’s okay…it’s only pictures…there are no sound clips of actual poetry readings…I don’t think it would be legal. I’m curious to see how they’re going to handle that…because you know…a theater full of people watching a Vogon read poetry in surround sound…well…ewwwwwwwwww.

Vogan Porn via Emily.

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