05. August 2005 · Comments Off on Harrell’s At It Again… · Categories: GWOT

I’ve linked to Jeff before, mostly for his “Survivor” outlines.

Lately, he’s had his rant on and today’s post simply says it all for me, I don’t have to add a word.

There are those, of course, who will say that this is just going to make the situation worse because it’s going to perpetuate the myth that the civilized nations of the West are against Muslims. To these people I say: Lick my balls. The civilized nations of the West are against Muslims. We’re against those Muslims who stand up in what are supposed to be holy places and call for murder and mayhem. We’re against those Muslims who yell “God is great!” while plotting the deaths of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of innocent people.

That’s just a blurb and not the best part of it by far. Read it all.

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