Whoda’ thunk ya’d need a “hunter’s license” to play a video game?
Norton says all it says is “You need to be an Xbox Live subscriber, which I am.”
Tim already pays $50 a year to subscribe to Xbox Live, so his son can play the games online against other players.
But only after opening this game did he discover that inside the instruction manual it says to play the game online “you will need a hunter’s license in addition to your regular Xbox Live…this license must be purchased.”
The cost is $8.95 a month, more than $100 a year.
“That should be disclosed on the outside of the game before you buy it,” Norton says.
Microsoft, in a statement to CBS 2, says it “places a sticker on each game” that “clearly states the additional fee to the consumer” and adds “we regret any instance where the sticker might have fallen off the product.
Sounds pretty lame to me. Anyone that’s spent some time around a shipping and receiving department knows those stickers are applied with automated equipment, or at least an applicator gun, and are unlikely to just “fall off.”