23. January 2007 · Comments Off on I Habba Code · Categories: General

Feeling quite miserable.  Fox News analyzing a State of the Union that hasn’t happened yet, isn’t lifting my spirits.

Some whack job has kidnapped his babys’ Momma and the babies.  Does this ever turn out well?  When have you ever seen one of these where the Mom and the kids say, “Thank you, thank you for kidnapping us and making us realize that you really ARE the man for this family?”  No, this will end in a photogenic standoff somewhere.

Man survives attack by a Great White.  How much you want to bet he’s not an atheist?  Oh he might of been…

The little Thera-Flu Strips?  They work, for about two hours of the four advertised and well, but you need to add a pain killer to take the “hit by a truck” feeling down to a manageable level.

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