30. May 2007 · Comments Off on I Kind of Admire Cindy Sheehan · Categories: Politics

Didn’t expect that out of me did ya? 

Let me explain…no…too long…let me sum up.  I don’t agree with her views.  I find her snuggling up to Chavez just plain disturbing.

What I admire is that when she was attacked by the right, she stuck to her beliefs.  Then, when she went after the left and was attacked by the same people who wanted her nominated for sainthood, she still stuck to her beliefs.

What sickens me more than her anti-war views are the personal attacks the woman has had to endure from both sides of the political spectrum.  They’ve both found something they can agree on, once she began holding both sides’ feet to the fire, both sides have taken to calling her “attention whore.”

To make things clear, a woman who’s anti war and who’s lost her son to that war and who did her best to end that war so other mothers don’t have to feel the pain of losing a child is now an attention whore. 

Because you know, peace is just such a silly thing for anyone to work for.  The Democrats want to just end the war by pulling out, but they won’t cut funding to it.  The Republicans want to end the war by winning it but don’t seem to be doing anything to actually achieve that goal.

But some Mom who lost her kid in the war is the whore.

I guess I’m just getting more cynical…how exactly does that make sense?

Cross-Posted at Faster Than The World.

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