10. March 2007 · Comments Off on I WOULD RATHER GOUGE MY EYES OUT WITH A DULL SPOON THAN TUNE INTO FOX NEWS · Categories: Domestic, Fun and Games, Politics, sarcasm

One of the things I like about the Democratic party is that when they form firing squads, which they are often wont to do, they do so in a circular fashion. In their latest move, they pulled out of a co-sponsorship arrangement with Fox News for an August debate of Democratic presidential hopefuls in Las Vegas. This was precipitated by MoveOn.org, whose members apparently cannot bring themselves to tune their TVs to Fox News, and whose leader has reportedly said that his organization “owns” the Democratic party. I hear that there is a deal with al Jazeera in the works.

Where is Zell Miller when the country and his party need him?

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