28. June 2005 · Comments Off on Idiotocracy And The Fourth Estate · Categories: Media Matters Not

One might think that the viewership of C-SPAN would be made up of the most intelligent, urbane, and sophisticated individuals this society had to offer.

But I have been watching Washington Journal semi-regularly (I frequently wake at 4 am, but seldom make it to 7) for the past several months. And I must say: compared to my brief experiences with talk radio, this is far worse; by-and-large, these people are the dregs of political society.

And I have tried to call a few times (always on the “others” line). And, save for a couple of interminable rings, I have always been met with a busy signal. And I wonder if this doesn’t have something to do with those who actually get through, and get on the air. Perhaps the only ones with the perseverance are the real kooks?

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