21. January 2009 · Comments Off on Inaugural Speeches on Audible.com · Categories: General

For those of you who like audiobooks, you can currently get free downloads of inaugural speeches on Audible.com. You probably have to be an Audible member, but if you are, they have 14 speeches available, and go back as far as FDR’s 1933 inauguration.

They also have the complete 1/20/09 inauguration (with all speakers), and you can get the whole shebang in one download if you prefer to not download each speech individually.

The speeches they’ve chosen – FDR (1933)/JFK/LBJ/Nixon (1973)/Carter/Ford/Reagan (1981)/all 3 Bush/Clinton (1993)/Obama/Eisenhower/Truman

I’m not a political junkie, but I like *free,* so I downloaded them to listen to sometime. They’re all a part of my history, after all (well, my country’s history. FDR was before my time).

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