07. September 2005 · Comments Off on iPod Porn, (050907) · Categories: General

Ya gotta love Apple. All week on all the geek sites there’s been talk about the new iPod/Motorolla Cell Phone mutant gizmo called the ROKR that would be introduced today…and we got that, looks like it’s gonna run about $250.00 with a contract with Cingular. I won’t buy it, I like my phone to be my phone and my MP3 Player to be my MP3 Player, but I’m sure there’s a market.


But we also got a brand new, smaller, iPod…the Nano. Smaller than the mini but holds 2 gigs/500 songs for $199.00 or 4 gigs/1000 songs for $249.00 and comes in black or white and only weighs 1.5 oz.. Not much bigger than the shuffle and only weighs twice as much with a color window and the clickwheel..


Also…there’s a new version of iTunes to cover the new toys.

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