08. February 2005 · Comments Off on It Could Be Worse.. · Categories: That's Entertainment!

It hurts that my eight year old, Boyo, would rather watch Fridays on Cartoon Network than watch Battlestar Galactica with me…on the other hand, the Alien vs Predator DVD has become officially his. It’s in his rack, right next to Day After Tomorrow and along all the animated movies. And he practically demanded to know why we don’t have the rest of the Predator and Alien Collection, and by the way didn’t we mention that we were going to get Twister on DVD last year? Hmmm, cartoons, monster and disaster movies…not bad…not bad at all…and to be fair, he doesn’t have to play quietly when he watches stuff by himself.

What’s really hard is giving him a credible argument about spending less time playing video games when Beautiful Wife and I are both vidiots.

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