02. May 2005 · Comments Off on It was a good party when….. · Categories: Ain't That America?

The Monday following the blowout weekend party is usually the best for storys about who did what, who drank what, and who streaked around base housing at 1am in the morning.
The best stories start like this:

5. “Dude!!!!”

4. “Holy S**t…..look at the size of that hicky….what was she related to…… JAWS!!!!”

3. 10am….*ring* blurry reaching for cellphone
Voice on other end, ” uh Cpl…where does so-and-so live?”
Me: “Insh a housh…I tink.”
Voice on other end: “Uh Cpl…I got locked out when I went outside to use my phone…I’ve been wandering around trying to find the way out of base housing!”
Me: “Soookay so-and-so lives in base housing just follow this road and ish will take you to Mainside.”
Voice on other end: “Uh…..Cpl I don’t have any pants on and the neighbors dog has been chasing me for the last three blocks.”
Me:….blink blink blink…”F**k I’m on my way”.

2. “He could’nt stand for s**t but he sure did piss a perfect ring around the outside of the toilet”.

1. “See what has happened was…….”

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