Indian gaming on established reservations, while rapidly accelerating, is well established. But this is a new development (free registration req’d):
GARDEN GROVE – City officials have been quietly shopping around an idea to introduce Indian gaming to Harbor Boulevard.
The casino proposal came to light Tuesday when Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby publicly revealed at the board’s weekly meeting that Garden Grove officials, including Councilman Mark Rosen and City Manager Matthew Fertal, visited his office last week to gauge his support.
“I was taken completely by surprise,” Norby said, adding that he was told discussions involved the Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians, a small tribe located in northern San Diego County.
Council members also had met in Las Vegas with Steve Wynn, who operates several major casinos.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has recently discussed expanding gambling agreements that could pave the way for urban casinos. Casino operators, such as Harrah’s Resorts, have recently partnered with Indian tribes to develop gambling resorts.
This exposes the whole farce of Indian gaming. It’s time to end the monopoly of Indian tribes and governments on legal gambling.