05. December 2005 · Comments Off on Looking For Movie Trivia Inspiration · Categories: Site News, That's Entertainment!

Let’s not be mistaken here: my untapped knowledge of movie trivia is still rather encyclopedic. The problem is that it is mostly, well, rather trivial – at least to those outside Hollywood.

I’ve tried to set a guidepost, in all my movie trivia puzzles, things that were of particular impact to the industry, or had impact on a broader scale. In short – things that weren’t really so trivial. I think that has a great deal to do with the series’ popularity on this blog.

But now, I’m feeling a bit taxed. I’m sure I could dredge-up many more goodies – but real life intrudes. So, in order to keep up the momentum, I call upon you – my dear readers – for inspiration. Please e-mail me your movie trivia ideas. I will follow up on them. And, if I think I have something good to offer, do a post.

If I use your idea, I will notify you, via email reply, as such. As well, I will give you a Hat Tip at the close. But PLEASE – don’t answer the puzzle yourself (for obvious reasons). And, please, don’t be offended if I don’t use your idea – you don’t know how many of my own boners I have run through my head since I started this thing – only to reject.

Oh, and please don’t overestimate my feeble intelligence, thinking I should just know why your idea has merit – sell it to me. 🙂

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