31. July 2005 · Comments Off on Much Ado About Nothing · Categories: Media Matters Not

In today’s Washing Post, is this article by Darryl Fears, Study: Few Blacks Seen on Talk Shows, sure to raise some feathers:

Only 8 percent of the guests on the major Sunday morning talk shows over the past 18 months were African Americans, with three people accounting for the majority of those appearances, according to a new study by the National Urban League.

Black guests — newsmakers, the journalists who questioned them and experts who offered commentary — appeared 176 times out of more than 2,100 opportunities, according to the study, which is scheduled for release today. But 122 of those appearances were made by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state Colin L. Powell, and Juan Williams, a journalist and regular panel member on “Fox News Sunday.”

“There’s very clearly a division, an exclusion,” said Stephanie J. Jones, executive director of the Urban League Institute, who initiated the study, “Sunday Morning Apartheid: a Diversity Study of the Sunday Morning Talk Shows.”


The study analyzed NBC’s “Meet the Press,” ABC’s “This Week,” CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Fox television’s “Fox News Sunday” and CNN’s “Late Edition.” It found that more than 60 percent of the programs that aired during the 18-month period had no black guests. “Meet the Press,” the talk show with the largest number of viewers, had no black guests on 86 percent of its broadcasts, the study said.


Barbara Levin, senior communications director for NBC News, said that “Meet the Press” interviews “the same newsmakers who dominate the front pages and op-ed pages of every newspaper in America, including The Washington Post.”

And who should we find on today’s Meet the Press panel, but WaPo’s own Eugene Robinson.. 🙂

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