13. November 2004 · Comments Off on On the Lighter Side… · Categories: General, General Nonsense

I bought a copy of this from a catalogue because it looked amusing… and I confess to have once possessed and giggled frequently over a copy of National Lampoon’s “High School Annual”.
The Jetlag Travel Guide to “Molvania—A Land Untouched by Modern Dentistry” is a perfect send-up of the modern travel guide. (Of which I have a shelf or two full, so I speak from experience). What more can you say about a guidebook with a map in the inside front cover which includes locations like the towns of Pysst, Drizl, and Katflaap, a place called Lake Skrotul and a capital city named Lutenblag, described thusly “Where old world charm meets concrete”.
Oh, wait— you could say that about Houston, too

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