Well, I see from the linked story, that the educational geniuses in Fairfax County have trodden heavily on their essential nether parts, yet again, in their demented crusade to shove critical race theory, or whatever it is called this week to disguise the whole rotten concept, down the throats of hapless students of all colors on the Pantone scale. This time around, they tried to foist off the concept of military dependents being somehow uniquely privileged.

Which is to laugh, hollowly. For in certain ways, military dependents do have privilege, although not quite on the same lavish scale as, say, the Obama daughters (upscale private school, frequent travel to exotic locations, residence in a series of luxurious mansions), the surviving Biden offspring (a dissolute, corrupt and depraved lifestyle tactfully overlooked by the national press and law enforcement), or Chelsea Clinton – the beneficiary of generous starting salaries for not doing much of anything, professionally.
Military dependents do have some privilege relative to their civilian peers – and I should note for the record that such dependents are likely to be all over the Pantone scale as regards skin color. They often have an opportunity to live for a couple of years in a foreign country where their active-duty parent has been stationed; to experience foreign travel, exotic food choices, to see museums and monuments that the children of civilians likely only see in textbooks. Very often the DOD schools they attend are smaller, and refreshingly free of educational idiocies like CRT, and tolerating juvenile thugs terrorizing the hallways and classrooms. Juvenile offenders in DOD schools are not tolerated or excused; nine out of ten the base commander will make it clear to a parent that their spawn have been bad, very, very bad. The families of military careerists tend to be tight and adaptable. There is support for military families – medical, social, educational, of a degree not often available to non-military families. Pay, if sometimes barely adequate for the very junior-ranking families, is usually sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle at the higher ranks.
And that’s it for the positive privilege. The negative privileges are many – the regular moves involved in a military career for a start. It’s not unknown for a kid to rack up attendance at eight or ten different schools: my own daughter did sixth grade in four different elementary schools, for example. There are no constant long-term friendships among military dependents; everything can be changed in the blink of an eye by the arrival of a new set of orders. Separation from then extended family back in the home state of record is routine. So is separation from immediate parental units; an unaccompanied year-long tour of duty for the military parent, an extended military exercise or ship duty, or even deployment to a war zone. Death of a military parent on active duty, through accident, aircraft crash, or act of war is also a slightly heightened possibility for serving military.
I’m glad to see that the idiots responsible for this particular bit of educational malpractice are getting reamed. On another note, the actor Alec Baldwin – he who was responsible for making an orphan out of his cinematographer’s small son – is also getting legal heat from the family of a Marine killed during the debacle of the withdrawal from Kabul. Alec Baldwin – of whom I could not possibly think less – felt obliged to sic his social media followers on the family of Rylee McCullum, as one of McCullum’s sisters attended last year’s January 6th protest in Washington.
Discuss – power and privilege. Who has it – and who doesn’t.

1 Comment

  1. John F. MacMichael

    ” There are no constant long-term friendships among military dependents; everything can be changed in the blink of an eye by the arrival of a new set of orders.” You hit the nail on the head there. My father was a Marine officer. One of the bitter realities of my childhood was the repeated experience of how, just when I had found my feet in a neighborhood and made a few friends, I would be told “We are moving!”. And not just to a new neighborhood in the same town or even a nearby town but across the country or even overseas. And I was reset to zero on the social scale. I survived but it left its mark.