09. January 2005 · Comments Off on Really Simple Recipes, The First · Categories: Home Front

Some of our friends are a bit suprised that I can cook. I don’t know why…it’s not like it’s a shock to find out I like to eat.

Anyway, I thought I’d start sharing some of my recipes that our friends seem to go gah-gah over and that I find ridiculously simple. I don’t have a large file and most of it involves the opening of cans and the dumping of things into pots and pans. I’m not a chef, but I know what I like and thought maybe you’d like it too.

Dump Cake

1 20 oz Can Cherry Pie Filling
1 20 oz Can Crushed Pineapple (drain the juice if you like, I’ve forgotten before with no ill effects)
1 Package Cake Mix, Yellow or Chocolate (Chocolate is RIDICULOUSLY rich)
1.5 sticks of butter (Which I think equals 3/4 Cup of Margirine but this is really a butter kind of thing)

Preheat Oven to 350.

Butter or use spray cooking oil on your 11″ x 9” pan.
Dump (see?) the Cherry Pie Filling and Crushed Pineapple into the pan…mix well.
Dump the dry unmixed (Thanks Jack) cake mix on top of the cherries and pineapple and spread evenly on top.
Melt the butter (I use a 3 cup glass measuring cup in the microwave at 1 minute on high)
Drizzle the butter all over the top of the cake mix.
Bake for about an hour.

Let cool but try to serve while still warm. Whipped Cream or Ice Cream on top does not hurt the flavor.

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