30. May 2008 · Comments Off on RIP Harvey Korman · Categories: Memoir, That's Entertainment!

Harvey Korman passed away last night.

Some of my fondest family television memories are of watching Harvey Korman and Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett Show.  The best sketches?  The ones where Conway cracked Korman up.

I remember my whole family, from my Gramma down to lil me laughing so hard we cried as those two clowns performed.

And can anyone forget the delightfully degenerate Heady Lemar (That’s Headley!).

Thank you for the laughs Sir.  You will be missed.

On a side note, there’s just no television show that the whole family can sit and watch and have THAT kind of belly laugh together with anymore.  I think CBS could play those old shows in primetime today and get a HUGE audience.

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