16. August 2006 · Comments Off on Rockstar SuperNova (060816) · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Yeah, I know, it’s the results show. Last night’s competition was mostly boring. Not because it was acoustic, but I think the crew was too hungover from hangin’ out with the band in Vegas earlier in the week.

Dilana got to front SuperNova tonight, the first contestant to do so. The band said, “This in no way means the competition is over.” Well, maybe not for them. I just don’t see anyone else consistantly bringing it home with every damn performance.

Oh, how did SuperNova do? They sound good together. Considering the lineup though, they’d better.

And Zayra is outta here!!!! Finally. The one contestant who never, ever, ever did one rock song that could possibly get her a chance with the band. I have no idea how she made it this long.

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