22. September 2005 · Comments Off on Running With The Devil · Categories: Iraq

Captain Ed blogs on the ties between the organizations planning anti-Iraq protests this weekend, far-left, and even communist organizations:

None of this comes as a shock to those who have followed this anti-war movement. The funding for the so-called grass-roots groups show remarkable complexity and opacity, but as John J. Tierney points out, most of them do receive at least some of their funding through the Tides Foundation and Soros’ Open Society Institute, the latter of which also indirectly funded John McCain’s Reform Institute as well. ANSWER has a long history of supporting repressive and brutal regimes such as Kim’s and Saddam’s, and have positioned themselves as neo-Stalinists as a result.

No, it is no surprise. ANSWER was the principal organizing force behind the circus-like pre-war protests.

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