28. November 2004 · Comments Off on Shake-Up On The Internet · Categories: Technology

LA based journalist Marc Strassman reports on “34 days that shook the (Internet) world:”

On October 14th (adopted)/October 18th (released), the FCC authorized the “unbundling” of FTTC (fiber-to-the-curb, also known at FTTN, or fiber-to-the-node), making it economically desirable for incumbent telcos (Baby Bells, RBOCs) to deploy fiber optic networks directly into neighborhoods.

On Oct. 26, 2004, the day it received final approval of the deal from the FCC, Cingular Wireless (which is 60% owned by SBC) “completed its previously announced merger with AT&T Wireless Services Inc., creating the nation’s biggest wireless carrier with the largest digital voice and data network in the country.”

On November 11th, SBC announced that, taking advantage of the new regulatory climate adopted by the FCC on October 14th and announced by it on October 28th, it would spend $4 billion “to deploy fiber optics closer to customers and build an advanced, IP-based (Internet Protocol) network capable of delivering a rich array of integrated next-generation television, data and voice services substantially beyond what is available from today’s telephone, cable or satellite TV providers.”

Besides ultra-broadband access for the home, I see the next big development as city-wide WiFi: As if they don’t already have enough problems, this will be the death knell for those investing in those wife terminal kiosks. It will also be devastating to satellite radio providers XM and Sirius.

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