25. December 2005 · Comments Off on Silly Name Game · Categories: General Nonsense

Something to do while you wait to eat, or before you nap.

1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (first pet and street name):
Fluffy Ashland

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on mother’s side first name, favorite candy):
Leo Snickers

3. YOUR “FLY GIRL/GUY” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name):
T. Tra

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite animal, name of high school mascot):
Cat Tiger

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born):
Joe Chicago

6. YOUR OPPOSITE SEX NAME: (name of dad/mom, cell phone Company you use):
Rita Verizon

7. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden, first 3 letters of your pet’s name)
Tra Ers Mik

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