13. September 2008 · Comments Off on SNL (080913) · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Just a couple suggestions.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin appearing with Hillary:  Saw it coming and it was still funny.  However, people from Alaska don’t sound like they’re from Minnesota or Northern Wisconsin.  It’s a different sound altogether.  Ya might want to spend some time outside of New York now and again.

Sticking every sports star that hosts the show into that locker room with the creepy coach playing the tape and dancing like Gumby on meth…not funny.  Wasn’t funny last season with Peyton Manning, not funny tonight with Michael Phelps.  Best part, Michael Phelps lowering his head and shaking it because he couldn’t believe his agent talked him into this.

The parents with the creepy kids whom they impose on their guests…not even remotely funny.

Was a time when SNL hosted the cutting edge in music.  That time was between 1975 and 1985 with occaissional brilliance in the 90s.  I don’t know who Lil Wayne is and if he’s the best rap has to offer, it’s dying as bad as rock is.

Alaska Pete?  This is your answer to Sarah Palin?  Alaska Pete?  How lame can you get?  The rest of Weekend Update wasn’t much better.  The lame political comedian, seriously not funny.  Makes me want to hurt someone.

The riff on the T-Mobile commercial was a little funny, but too long…and that commercial is over a year old.  And the customer service reps at T-Mobile are going to hate you for saying that 10,000 free text messages, free nights and weekends come with a MyFaves plan.

Andy Samberg’s videos are oddly amusing, but I can see them on YouTube.

I’m not finishing this, it’s too painful.  I can’t believe I missed Man Against Wild for this.

UPDATED to include the Tina Fey/Sarah Palin opening.  Somehow missed it last night.

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