03. March 2006 · Comments Off on Somber road trip · Categories: General

I’m heading south in the morning (southeast, more accurately), to attend Joe’s funeral. I’ve printed out copies of our various postings about Joe for Nurse Jenny, and I’ll stop along the way and get a sympathy card, signing it on behalf of all of us here. Sgt Mom and I talked about flowers/plants, and if I get a chance, I’ll get something, again saying that it’s from all of us. I spent 9 hours getting from point A to point B today, and by the time I landed, I’d forgotten about tracking down flowers, darn it.

Afterwards, I’m spending the night with some other friends in that general area, so it will most likely be Sunday evening before I’m back in the land of the internet (although I might be setting up their wireless network while I’m at my friends’, so that might mean that I *am* able to get online Sat night. we’ll see).

At any rate, once I’m back and have composed some coherent thoughts, I’ll do a final “Joe post,” about the funeral. I’m glad I’m able to be there and bid him one last farewell, but man, I’m wishing that it wasn’t necessary. I’d much rather have him here, posting his thoughts and enjoying his grandkids, ya know?

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