09. March 2006 · Comments Off on Some notes on Project Runway: Season 2 · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Well, contrary to my earlier prediction, Daniel Vosovic did not win; Chloe Dao (who was my initial favorite) did. Although, in his defense, he had the most pieces that were workable as daywear, rather than haute couture.

But she won by virtue of her professionalism, a quality Daniel V. and Santino most surely lacked, and she shares with Kara Saun – the “runner up” – from last season.

Overall, while there was some quite stunning work here, fashion design is very much like automotive (or general industrial) design (something I’m much more familiar with): You either work for yourself, for your customer, the illuminati, or the general public. In this season’s (whole) crowd, there was neither a Wendy Pepper (“The Longshot”), with great marketability but no original thought, or a Jay McCarroll, with both a unique view, and a general marketability.

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