14. February 2006 · Comments Off on Something Wrong With TNR’s Business Model? · Categories: General

Yesterday, in my daily email of The New Republic’s headlines, this John B. Judis article caught my eye. But, like most TNR stuff, it was “subscriber only.” Later in the day, I happened upon this free link to the same article.

Today, I notice Divine Rights: The Civil War was bloody and destructive. But was it a tragedy? by Steven Hahn – also “subscriber only.” But putting the author and title into Google yields this free link. for the same article.

In both cases, the free articles are on TNR’s website – not bootlegs, and they’re available the very same day they’re released to paid subscribers. So, TNR is obviously relying upon only those stupid enough to pay for a subscription they don’t need, or impressed enough with their overall content to pay gratuitously, for their non-advertising income. I am neither of those. But, so long as they allow me to read those few items which interest me for free, I will continue to do so.

By the way: there’s a way to jigger the URL for WSJ articles, as though a subscriber emailed you a referral, that allow free access as well. If anyone knows it, please pass it on. 😉

Update: Yesterday’s article was a one pager, today’s four. And clicking on page two takes you to the “available to subscribers only” screen. However, by emailing the article to myself, I got this link, which allows access to the subsequent pages.

Update 2: Good for those extra pages, as the first page and a half kind of drag. Anyway, Hahn mentiones the New York Historical Society’s Slavery in New York exhibition. I would take it in, if I could. But for all those others who can’t, I highly recommend their website.

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