So I get home and I’ve got email from the folks at Spirit of America Headquarters. They’ve been busy.
Los Angeles, CA – Monday, April 04, 2005– Spirit of America blogger Michael Totten is on the ground on Martyrs’ Square in Beirut, Lebanon. The blog will share the local perspective and help launch Spirit of America’s project fund committed to assisting the people of Lebanon win independence.
The URL for the Spirit Of America Lebanon blog is www.spiritofamerica.net/lebanonblog and the URL for the Spirit Of America Lebanon project is www.spiritofamerica.net/projects/96.
Financial support will be provided to the tent city demonstrators on Martyrs’ Square in Beirut through local protest organizers so that demonstrators can keep pressure on the foreign occupiers and world attention on the struggle for Lebanese independence. The fund will support the tent city demonstrators by supplying food, water, shelter and other basic necessities.
“The American people and all those who support freedom and democracy can join Spirit of America to help the people of Lebanon win their independence,” said Jim Hake, founder and CEO of Spirit of America. “The blog will provide ground level insight into Lebanon’s peaceful revolution to be free.”
Lebanon is at an historic crossroads. It has been under foreign occupation for more than a generation. As the result of pro-democracy demonstrations in Beirut, free elections and independence are within reach.
The Spirit of America mission is to extend the goodwill of the American people to assist those advancing freedom, democracy and peace abroad. Our objectives are to increase the reach, scale and impact of the informal humanitarian activities that take place on the front lines in troubled regions; contribute goods and assistance that can have a positive, practical and timely impact in the local communities where American personnel are involved; establish connections and strengthen bonds between the American people and those in countries struggling for freedom and democracy.
Spirit of America is a 501c3, non-profit supported through private sector contributions and in-kind support. 100% of all designated donations are used for project specific purposes. For more information and to support Spirit of America and this and other projects, visit the web site at www.spiritofamerica.net.
Pick a link, any link and go check them out and make sure to drop a couple bucks while you’re at it. How often will you get to say, “I directly supported the blossoming democracy in Lebanon?” Now there’s an EPR bullet you don’t see every day. And no, I don’t put my membership in SOA on my EPR. Sometimes ya gotta do stuff just because it’s the right thing to do.