02. February 2009 · Comments Off on Stimulus Watch · Categories: General

Watch the government piss away [1] your money!  On the Web! [2]

StimulusWatch.org was built to to help the new administration keep its pledge to invest stimulus money smartly, and to hold public officials to account for the taxpayer money they spend. We do this by allowing you, citizens around the country with local knowledge about the proposed “shovel-ready” projects in your city, to find, discuss and rate those projects. These projects are not part of the stimulus bill. They are candidates for funding by federal grant programs once the bill passes. Learn more by reading the FAQs.

So .. what are you – my out of state virtual friends – being asked to pay for in my fair state of Wisconsin?  Welp, I’m glad you asked!

Anyway – this is what my state wants from the stimulus pork:  Subsidized bus fares, sidewalks and walking trails.

We thank you kindly for your participation.

[1] Sort-of Stimulus Watch. Anyway, it’s Transparent Government. Whatever that means.

[2] This would work, I think, if the people spending taxpayer money had a sense of shame.  Which we can see that they don’t. [3]  It’s not enough to to simply watch the bastards at work, we gotta raise a ruckus, get people involved.

For Pete’s sake, last year I had to take the day off and cart my family down to Madison just to make sure the Lege didn’t enact a bill that would have shut the school down.

You can do this once, or twice.  But you can’t get all excited about every bit of pork the government wants.  There are more of us than there are of them but for them it’s a full-time job.  We’re busy making a living and can’t afford the time needed.

[3] No, seriously – we’ve got candidates for the highest office in the land who are not ashamed at lying, but only chagrined they’ve been caught.  People who want cabinet positions who (whoops) forget to pay taxes.  Congress critters who pay back taxes only when people raise a shit storm .. and don’t have to pay any penalties.  Who, not to drag on and on, feel that because they’re on the People’s Business they can act like immoral shits.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

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