22. February 2005 · Comments Off on Supporting the Troops???? · Categories: General, Home Front

Well, I suppose this is an improvement on spitting on uniformed personnel. As for a class assignment, I’m afraid that the spelling in some of the letters needs work, also, not to mention the geography— especially since you can’t get farther away from Iraq than Korea, not without going towards it again. And the historical perspective is a little lacking; for a meaningless, brutal and bungled war, World War I is still win show and place… don’t they teach anything in public schools these days?
If you want to ask about that, here’s a link. Remember, it’s JHS 51, Park Slope, and an air of courteous and civil enquiry is appropriate. It may not get you anywhere, but it is appropriate.

(Original story link courtesy of Rantburg, link to chancellors’ office, courtesy of LGF reader “pookleblinky”)

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