17. September 2006 · Comments Off on Taking care of our own · Categories: General

I popped over to Sgt Hook’s today, for the first time in awhile, and he sent me to “A Storm in Afghanistan,” where one of our soldiers needs help. Seems his wife has cancer. It’s her second bout with breast cancer, and at this point:

she also has 11 metastatic tumors in her brain, and multiple tumors of the lung. Reid has returned from a tour over in Afghanistan…and the couple has children.

Full details are in this post, from last August.

They’re currently stationed in Germany, and apparently the Army doesn’t cover hospice care. His wife wants to spend her last days at home with her husband and her kids.

Please go visit and tell Sgt Reid you care. And if you have any spare change, feel free to share it with him.

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