07. June 2005 · Comments Off on Tapes, BVDs to CDs Easier Than Ever · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

This from Forbes:

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I digitized about a dozen of those tapes, and their contents are now backed up to my hard drive and my iPod. What helped me break the inertia was a program called CD Spin Doctor from Roxio, a division of Sonic Solutions (nasdaq: SNIC – news – people ).

This software is the headliner in a $50 collection of five applications for the Mac all being positioned as accessories for Apple’s iTunes. Called the Boom Box, Roxio will formally announce it later this week.

Among the other four applications sold in the collection are two I’ve reviewed before: Rogue Amoeba’s Audio Hijack, a streaming-audio recorder, and iPodderX, a program for gathering podcasts. Two others I haven’t tried before are iSpeak It, which converts text files into audio files using the computer’s synthesized voice to “read” them to you, and Musicmagic Maker, which takes songs that sound alike and combines them into playlists.

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