27. July 2005 · Comments Off on That’s Certainly Ann-Margaret. But Who’s That Other Girl? · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Could it be Carol Lynley? The movie is The Pleasure Seekers (1964). How do we know?

Oh, BTW, this is movie trivia question for 7/27/05: While we all know what Ann-Margaret looks like, and can identify her at a glance, How do we identify Carol Lynley from the other ravishing beauties in this film?

Update: Gawd: All I can say is, I hope I’m never the victim of a crime with you guys as witnesses – you would have a police sketch artist pulling his hair out. Ok, so one of you got the distinctive lip-curl right, and another (vaguely) got the eyes. But you missed the #1 point – the prominent, rounded cheekbones. This was a feature she shared (to a lesser degree) with her other blond, “wholesome and fresh-faced” predecessors, Debbie Reynolds and Doris Day.

Anyway, if you are interested, here’s some other Carol minutiae: Any movie trivia buff will tell you that it was actually French vocalist Renee Armand singing The Morning After on The Poseidon Adventure, with Carol lip-syncing. But, did you know that Carol actually recorded the number herself, and the final result was a mix of their two voices?

Ok: next one, I’ll go easier on you. 🙂

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