19. November 2005 · Comments Off on This Begs Further Investigation · Categories: GWOT, Military

I’m still trying to make sense ot this story from the Charlotte Observer:

A majority of current and former military members surveyed this week in North Carolina disagree with how President Bush is handling the war in Iraq, according to a poll released Friday.

More than 56 percent of military members surveyed in an Elon University poll said they disapprove or strongly disapprove with how the president is running the war.

Nearly 53 percent disapprove or strongly disapprove of Bush’s overall job performance.

The results are startling because military members almost always overwhelmingly support wars and the president, said poll director Hunter Bacot.

“Members of military are mirroring the general public’s” attitude toward the war, he said. “That is very telling.”


War and N.C. Military

An Elon University telephone survey taken this week asked 80 current and former military if the war in Iraq was worth fighting. Here are the results:

Not worth it 28.8 percent (23)

Worth it 18.8 percent (15)

Don’t know 51.3 percent (41)

Refused to answer 1.3 percent (1)

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