09. January 2006 · Comments Off on TRICARE Targeted—Again · Categories: Veteran's Affairs

I guess it all depends on what your definition of “support” is.

From the Air Force Sergeant’s Ass0ciation (AFSA) Periodical 300-2, Jan 6, 2006.


In early December, AFSA warned its members that the Administration, through the Department of Defense (DoD), is going to propose to Congress drastic increases in the cost of health care for military beneficiaries–with military retirees, their family members, and survivors as the prime targets.

The latest threat to military health care is very serious. If DoD gets its way, prescription costs would significantly increase for all TRICARE beneficiaries, the annual costs of Standard and Extra would, for the first time ever, be required to pay annual fees, and the TRICARE for Life program will remain intact, but the increased cost of prescriptions would significantly reduce the financial well-being and quality of life for our oldest retirees, their family members and survivors. Other proposals being considered could further degrade the value of the retiree health care benefit. Specifically, DoD seeks to:

– Progressively raise TRICARE Prime for enlisted retirees over the next three years from the current $230 per individual and $460 per family to $300 per individual and $600 per family in 2006, $375 per individual and $750 per family in 2007, and to $450 per individual and $900 per family in 2008.

– Establish for the first time, a TRICARE Standard enrollment fee–$100 for individual coverage and $200 for family coverage next year; $150 per individual and $300 per family in 2007; and $200 for individual coverage and $400 per family in 2008.

– Increase annual deductibles under TRICARE Standard and TRICARE Extra programs. Currently, the deductible is $150 for individual coverage and $300 for families. These deductibles would rise to $175 for individual and $350 per family next year and rise again to $200 per individual and to $400 per family in 2008.

– Increase TRICARE pharmacy co-payments. A $5 co-payment could be levied for generic drugs obtained from Retail Network Pharmacies; no co-payment would be imposed for those ordered by mail. The current $9 co-payment for brand name drugs would increase to $15 from TRICARE Retail Network Pharmacies and to $10 by the Mail Order Pharmacy. The cost for all non-formulary drugs would remain at $22 per prescription.

I’m usually not a write your Congressman kind of guy, but crap like this just pisses me off.

Maybe get ahold of your Senators too.

And since it is the President’s Administration, go ahead and drop him a line too.

Let them all know that you think our military deserves better. The guarantee of “free health and dental for life” if you do 20 years was broken years ago and now they want to make it clear that while they may love us and support us and they’ll even pray for us, they just don’t want to pay us or those that came before us what was promised.

That’s right America, you are letting your elected officials break promises made to your military. Yes I’m guilt trippin’ on ya, and no, I’m not sorry.

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