04. January 2005 · Comments Off on Tsunami Relief Fund Drive at Cap’n Ed’s · Categories: General

Cap’n Ed, over at the Captain’s Quarters, is spearheading a fund drive for the Tsunami Relief fund at World Vision.

Ed’s suggestion is that those who can afford it donate their take-home pay on Jan 12.   One day’s pay, coming at a time that’s in between bill-paying for most folks, donated to a top-rated charity to help out those who are less fortunate than we are, right now.

If you can’t afford to donate an entire day’s pay, donate what you can.

He announced this idea on Jan 1, and as of Jan 4,  his readers have already raised over $10,000.    If  you’ve not donated anywhere yet, and were wondering where to give,  I respectfully  suggest you join Ed’s readers and help him reach his goal of raising $25K by Jan 12.

Click here to donate

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