02. February 2007 · Comments Off on Unneccessary Snark · Categories: Fun and Games, General, GWOT, Media Matters Not, sarcasm

While practically everyone in the mil-blogosphere, and the blogosphere in general is lining up and taking turns to thwack the “Piniata o’ The Month”, one William Arkin who is represented to be (admittedly on very thin grounds) the “military expert” for a couple of legacy media outlets who should have known better….
Oh, one of them was the L.A. Times. Never mind. Anyway, I thought the Washington Post might have known better. It’s just that it looks like this doofus’s claim to be a military expert is based on a four-year Army enlistment in the 70ies. According to Hugh Hewitt in this article ‘many of his bylines from the past two decades described him as a “military intelligence analyst” ‘

“Military Intelligence” — Wasn’t that one of those things which was always being sarcastically desribed as a contradiction in terms? Honestly, sometimes these things just write themselves.
More piniata-whacking here, if you have the strength.

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