26. March 2006 · Comments Off on V for Vendetta · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Great movie. A good time was had by all. Fun special effects. Really great performances. Action, paranoia, intrigue, plot twists, characters with depth that grow through the story. We liked it.

I understand the “R” rating but Boyo was more concerned about the faces in the crowd at the end than he was about any of the violence or gore.

The politics of the movie? Okay look. If my government ever gets as batshit crazy as the one shown in this movie, yeah, I’d say it’s time for a revolution. Until then, I’ll leave the Guy Fawkes mask for Halloween. On the other hand, if you take offense at the way the U.S. is depicted in this film…ummmm, if none of it is true, why does it bother you? (I say that to my 10 year old when he’s mad about someone calling him names.) Be you wingnut or moonbat, repeat after me: It’s only a movie.

I really like the ambiguity of the ending. The faces in the crowd could mean a variety of things and I think that’s a good thing. Made for some good after movie discussion over coffee with friends.

One of the better movies we’ve seen in a long time.

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