12. August 2005 · Comments Off on Walking A Mile In The Other Guys Shoes · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I’m just reflecting on this comment from Mike Barnett, to my post on the new FX series Over There:

I found this show as offensive as the posters the Nazis printed during WWII to demoralize our troops. Additionally, the errors in depicting various aspects of military personell, training, and procedures were so laughably innacurate that they made M*A*S*H look like a Korean War documentary. For Bochco to claim that his political beliefs do not influence the storyline is beyond absurd. I had to turn it off halfway through the second episode, and I will never watch it again. In fact, I was so offended by it that FX is now blocked on my TV. I will miss ‘Rescue Me’ and ‘The Shield’, but I can not, in good consience, watch a network that would run a show so blatantly anti-military, and in my opinion, anti-American.

I just wonder how many firefighters have blocked FX in response to their portrayal in Rescue Me, or police officers for their portrayal in The Shield?

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