01. November 2008 · Comments Off on Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends · Categories: General

I had a brilliant flash of the obvious this morning while reading this post by Jay Tea over at Wizbang.  Jay does a pretty good job of showing how Senator Obama has abused the press, even as they fawn all over him.

The longer the campaign draws out, the more I suspect that it’s all really something much simpler.

Senator Obama simply looks and sounds better on television.  It’s Nixon/Kennedy taken to the nth degree.

Those of us who pay attention to politics find deeper things to explain this and that, but how many Americans even know what’s going on?

It’s easy to forget how weird we are compared to the majority of the country.  We assume that there’s a lot of political thought and deliberation going on when in truth, not so much.  I know people, relatively intelligent in their chosen fields who have NO idea what a candy company, Fannie Mae, has to do with real estate.  A lot of folks simply don’t have the time or inclination to watch the news.  My daughter finds it too depressing, has no idea what’s happening on a daily basis.

News has become entertainment and Senator Obama is the better showman.  He didn’t really have to be that great a showman.  Seriously, after the past four years, hell, after the past four months, all he really had to do is to NOT be President Bush, and not be the party that gave us President Bush.  I know staunch Bush supporters from four years ago who are voting for Senator Obama and are doing so with absolutely no apologies.  They’re just plain pissed.  I understand that, that’s how I voted for President Clinton the first time.  Truth be told, if I could get past Senator Obama being from the Chicago Machine, I’d probably be voting for him too, and that’s knowing everything I know about Ayers, Reverand Wright, Rezko, ACORN, etc. etc. etc..  I simply don’t want Machine Politics taken to the national level.  Hell, the sheer number of indictments alone make me shudder.

But he HAS been a great showman, $5M for a stage to close the DNC?  He’s paying the City of Chicago another $2M for election night to add ANOTHER stage to Grant Park for his victory celebration?  For those of you not familiar with Grant Park, there’s already a stage, under a very nice bandshell I might add, in the park.  And let’s not forget the music videos, the non-stop viral attacks against Senator McCain and Governor Palin on the web, and did I mention $5M for a stage to close the DNC?  And he looks and sounds better for those that do manage to see and hear him.  Compared to Senator McCain he’s a superstar.  Even when McCain is happy and upbeat, it looks forced and quite frankly, fake.

Again, I think it’s that simple, Senator Obama looks and sounds better and THAT I think is the reason he’s going to win on Tuesday.  Issues?  Issues/smissues, entertain me and everything will be alright.
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, I’m so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside.

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