05. April 2005 · Comments Off on When You’re Away, And Simply Must Blog… · Categories: Technology

…Who needs a laptop and WiFi hotspot? You can now blog from your cell phone with Rabble:

So in addition to creating original content, Rabble subscribers will be able to use their phones to find and read mobile blog posts from magazines like “Spin.” They can follow the exploits of budding celebrities like singer-songwriter Aslyn or the social commentary of Stowe Boyd. And, as with traditional blogs, mobile users can subscribe to the content to receive the latest posts automatically.

The Rabble software works with other popular blogging applications, such as Blogger and Live Journal. That means a photo taken with a camera phone can be published to an Internet blog. Or text written on the computer can be published for the phone reader.

So, would a phone-based blog be called a PHLOG? 🙂

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