28. May 2005 · Comments Off on You’d Think She Is Dealing With The Government · Categories: Ain't That America?, General

You would think that admitting Ligaya Lagman, whose son was killed last year in Afghanistan, into American Gold Star Mothers would be a simple matter. Public sentiment is certainly with her. But, as these two conflicting AP reports (here and here) show, it ain’t that simple:

“We can’t go changing the rules every time we turn around,” said Herd, the national president. “When we have problems within our organization with people not abiding by the rules, we just get it straightened out, we don’t change the rules.”

Mrs. Lagman may not be a citizen. But she has been a legal resident here for over twenty years. But most importantly, her son, Army Staff Sgt. Anthony Lagman, gave everything in the service of America. This should be a no-brainer.

Then again, one has to wonder why Mrs. Lagman would even want to be part of such a stick-up-the-ass organization.

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