29. October 2005 · Comments Off on On Spam Emails · Categories: Site News

My spam email count, as a result of my participation on this website, has gone, in the last few months, from many each day, to dozens, and then to scores. I fear, with the Pajamas Media thing, it will go to hundreds. I seem to recall Glenn Reynolds telling me he has gotten over 500 spam emails per day. And I specifically recollect Larry Elder telling me he gets over 3000 per day (but, of course, he has a couple of guys working for him, to filter that crap).

And I’m thinking we need some “contact us” page, or JavaScript thing, to defeat the robo-crawlers – that just want to spam everybody with a webpage..

What to do?

21. October 2005 · Comments Off on Hey Mom, About that Furnace? · Categories: General Nonsense, Site News

This blog is worth $154,683.96.
How much is your blog worth?

I think you’re covered.

18. October 2005 · Comments Off on Newsmap · Categories: Site News

This is cool. Don’t forget to to push the “LAUNCH” button.

16. October 2005 · Comments Off on Response To A Disgruntled Reader · Categories: General, Site News, Technology

This is a response to Reader Scott’s comment to this post

Well Scott – it’s nice to see we still have you as a reader. But, if indeed you have been a reader for over two years, as you say, you must surely understand and appreciate the fact that, on this blog, we don’t mince words. If you act as a fool, you will be called a fool.

And all our readers should know that, were I referring specifically to you, Scott, I would have called you by name. But I used the generalization “some idiot” because your comment was typical of many readers (as well as callers, LttE writers, “People on the Street”, etc., to this or any other media) who seem to have a firmly established opinion, despite any evidence of knowledge, or rational evaluation, of the subject upon which they are commenting.

In the automotive field, I recall some idiot commenting on this post (Sorry, comment threads were deleted from the old MT blog.), who claimed his overboosted Supra Turbo was “better” than a Bentley Continental GT. Well, while I wouldn’t call myself an expert, particularly relative to the luminaries I have been in the presence of, I have had vast experience with tuner cars. And I can say, without reservation, that, while that idiotic reader’s Supra might have been “better” than a Bentley Continental GT in some very limited context, there is no way – NO WAY – that it would be an appropriate Bond Car – particularly to the Bond book reader, who knows that Bond’s car is not simply a pursuit and escape vehicle, but also a meditation chamber.

Anyway, Scott: First let me say that everyone is entitled to their opinion on styling. Personally, while I consider the Chrysler 300 to be visually interesting, and hardly offensive, and the Magnum a pretty great job at doing a station wagon (while not as great as the original Ford Taurus), I look at the Charger and say, “gawd, this piece came from the same people who gave us the Mercedes CLS?” So, perhaps we are in agreement there.

But now, when you talk about engineering, it’s a ‘ol difrn’t mata’. Your “fifty year-old” technology citation is, on its face, completely without merit. First, I have examples of crossflow cylinder head designs dating back to the ‘teens. And DOHC 4VPC designs were being done by Offenhauser, Duesenberg, and others, in the late ‘twenties. Bringing this to present-day, the most easily accessible crosspoint is in comparison of the Nissan Titan and the Dodge Ram 1500 Hemi (and, if you want to throw in the Ford F-150 – 5.4 Triton, with it’s SOHC 3VPC format, feel free). Obviously, upon comparison of the “technical specifications”, the Nissan’s motor is by far the most sophisticated. But, “when the rubber meets the road”, the comparison is far more muddled. In fact, at another, more obscure, crosspoint – The Jeep Grand Cherokee Hemi can lay the Porsche Cayenne to waste.

But, when you talk about It’s a Hemi, you are not talking about technology, you are talking about icons, And I can assure you – my mother had a ’56 Imperial Crown, and I had a ’67 GTX – Hemi is a powerful icon in American car (and popular) culture. And I can also assure you that, in today’s dismal family sedan market (from which America’s PDs prefer to draw their petrol/pursuit vehicles), the Chrysler LX platform (300, Magnum, Charger) stands a good chance of achieving iconic status itself.

06. October 2005 · Comments Off on Camp Katrina · Categories: Site News

Some of the National Guard folks who have rotated through New Orleans and other areas hit by Hurricane Katrina have been blogging.

Check them out.

07. September 2005 · Comments Off on Tribes by Bill Whittle · Categories: Site News

Yes it’s good. Yes you should go read it. Of course I wish I’d wrote it.

Myself? I consider myself a sheepdog in training as well. I’ve never had to hurt a wolf, but I figure that barking and growling at shadows for the past 21 years has earned me my kibble and has perhaps tricked one or two wolves from coming near the spot I was watching.

Bill takes himself to task a bit at one point for falling into “one big jerk-off chickenhawk fantasy” and I don’t fault him for that at all. I prefer to hang out with people who fantasize about putting themselves in harm’s way for the good of others. People who fantasize about being a wolf creep me out.

Yeah, I know that’s not going to make sense until you read Whittle’s piece. Go already.

04. August 2005 · Comments Off on Help Kate Get Her Teef Back · Categories: Site News

The Venemous One has managed to do a complete number on herself by attempting to eat the handlebars of her bicycle. Those fad diets…glad I don’t go there… She’s lost about eight of her front teeth. That’s right, EIGHT. Tops and bottoms. She’s made the “Deliverance” reference already, as did Day by Day, no reason to (SQUEALLLLL) take that any further that we need to.

But she does need our help. Got a couple extra bucks, GIVE.

Yeah, I KNOW she’s an officer’s wife but she’s never been one of THOSE officer’s wives, she’s cool…no…really…and I’m a guy who doesn’t like officer’s wives just because…

On a side note…don’t you feel better knowing that TriCare Dental can’t manage to work something out when everything goes wrong?

24. June 2005 · Comments Off on The (Stronger And Better) Daily Brief · Categories: Site News

Those of you who have had problems accessing The Daily Brief of late will be happy to know that our host has moved us to a new server. And we are assured that, while momentary problems are unavoidable, the extended and repeated downtimes, as well as slow access, are a thing of the past.

At this point, just a few days since the move, I must say that response seems to be MUCH faster. I would like to thank you for bearing with us.

20. June 2005 · Comments Off on My Apologies · Categories: Site News

As has happened all-too-frequently in the past, we seem to be having a spate of slow server response, or absolute downtime, in the recent hours.

As I have relayed to Stryker and Sgt. Mom, I am taking this matter in hand. And, I pledge to you: It will not continue.

All that needs to be resolved is co-hosting relationships between this site, and Digital Warfighter. That settled, I am on the job.

Again, I beg that you will please bear with us.

— Kevin

10. June 2005 · Comments Off on Hey Mom, Here’s Your Next Job! · Categories: Site News

Sgt Mom, this looks like it was just made for you.

05. June 2005 · Comments Off on And a Moment of Silence Please… · Categories: Military, Site News

MilBlogger Bunker Mulligan passed away.

25. May 2005 · Comments Off on More On Media Slander · Categories: Media Matters Not, Site News

They’re just starting up, but ya gotta love their Purpose Statement:

The goal of Media Slander is to hold journalists and bloggers to high ethical standards regarding coverage of the War on Terror and other military-related issues. We plan to achieve this by highlighting bias, rumor and falsehoods that have been creeping into military coverage under the guise of objective news.

We by no means advocate censorship or the deliberate suppression of well-researched and relevant stories about the war and the military.

As much as journalists feel that they are the guardians of the First Amendment, its true protectors are standing watch in Iraq, Afghanistan and places no one will ever hear about. Journalists owe it to the true gatekeepers of our liberties to be fair, balanced, relevant and accurate in covering them.

The entire staff of MediaSlander.com

Bill Roggio
Brian Scott
Charles Goggin
Kevin Craver
LaShawn Barber
Mike Krempasky
Roger Morrow
Winds Of Change.NET

Via Blackfive who posts the Warning Order with an OpOrd to follow. Looks like they’ll be the staff wheenies and would like the rest of us to be on the line. I can handle that.

UPDATE: Sorry DragonLady…didn’t see your post, I started this one before you posted yours.

19. May 2005 · Comments Off on Geeking Out, Star Wars Style · Categories: Site News, That's Entertainment!

Our tickets are for tomorrow at noon. But until then I have Darth Vader’s Blog to read. You should read this entry if nothing else.

I can’t tell you the name of every minor character in the SW universe. I’ve always been satisfied knowing the backstory of Biggs and Luke. But in case you missed it, I am a fan. There’s a love for the story that I can’t begin to rationally explain. Whoever’s doing the Darth Side understands that.

17. May 2005 · Comments Off on Site Policy · Categories: General, Site News

Just to make a couple of things absolutely, positively clear, folks:

1. I have only ever banned a commenter from this site once. That person was a particularly charmless and abusive troll, and after I got tired of making fun of it, I went to a great deal of administrative hassle to ban his/her/it’s IP address. It’s a big chore, and frankly I have better things to do.

2. Comments on this site are lightly moderated, mostly because of the incessant drizzle of automated card-game and transsexual p0rn spam posted by some ‘tard who is too cheap to pay for advertising. Comments containing certain words go into the moderation bin until one of us has a chance to review. If your comment doesn’t appear right away, that is where it has gone. It is not personal, and you have not been banned.

3. I don’t care if the discussion gets lively— acrimonious, even. If you dish it out, you should be able to take it and respond in kind. Just keep the flung heavy objects and death threats down to a dull roar, m’kay?

As you were,

Sgt. Mom

09. May 2005 · Comments Off on Kelley’s Back! · Categories: Site News

How I missed the return of The Mouth of The South I dunno, but she’s most defitinitely back.

05. May 2005 · Comments Off on MilNews Idea · Categories: Site News, Technology

Okay, here’s the idea and tell me what you think.

I think it would be cool to have a website affiliated with this one and DW that deals purely with military news. I was kinda gonna do that with DW, but I found that it wasn’t fun to continually scope the web looking for that stuff.

Here’s how it could work:

-The stories could be manually entered or automatically pulled from several RSS feeds (or a combination of both) and displayed on the front page in a manner that puts the most stories “above the fold” but doesn’t look too cluttered or busy. It also has to look cool and have some color.

-The site will have different sections or categories, but will be pure news– not links to people commenting on news or mere opinion, but actual news. I don’t see it as a blog, but rather a news/information resource. Since it will already be tied to this site, an opinion resource will already exist.

-It should be integrated somehow with this one and/or DW. That’s one thing I could never figure out how to do effectively. How do you integrate two things without having them wash each other out and confuse the user or have one become ignored on the displayed page? If I could figure out a good way to appropriately display both and not have it look like ass, that would be really cool.

-Anyone should be able to contribute to the news site, but that brings up a problem: trolls. Should the software incorporate a mod feature, meaning that the whole of the registered users would have the power to vote or “mod” a story to the front page (like digg) or should certain people have the mod function (like Slashdot)? Or should it be a free for all and let the dice fall where they may?

-It should have a cool name that’s not already registered. It should be short, catchy, and easily remembered.

Anyway, it’s just an idea. And no talk of bulletin boards. I already tried that and it didn’t work.

05. April 2005 · Comments Off on Prayers for Family Smash · Categories: Site News

The Smash family needs your prayers. A horse went one way while Mrs Smash went t’other and she’s got a long road ahead of her.

Having a wife who’s usually recovering from something or another myself, I know the LT needs them as much as she does.

18. March 2005 · Comments Off on I Could Be Ignorant About This Stuff But… · Categories: Site News

…is it just me or is Outside the Beltway selling ‘roids on their page? It’s a google ad thing down the right hand side so I don’t kow if they have control of that or not but still…it makes me want to go lift wayyyy too much weight and eat an entire tub of protein powder just from lookin’ at it.

No…I never did ‘roids even when I lifted heavily…I watched guys who did…I didn’t like the men they turned into.

17. March 2005 · Comments Off on StumbleUpon · Categories: Site News, Technology

Stumbleupon is one of those toys you need for your Firefox Browser for those nights you’re trying to find something to write about and can’t find nuthin’ amoungst your normal haunts. You tell it what you’re interested in, it finds stuff for you randomly and you get to choose if you like it or not.

Via Baldilocks who’s no longer on hiatus…obviously because DAMN she’s been writing a lot…and well I might add.

15. March 2005 · Comments Off on Are We Sparticus? Gabba Gabba Hey! · Categories: General Nonsense, Site News

As cool as it is to be referred to that way, I just wanted to point out that not everyone who posts here is Sgt Stryker. There is but one Stryker and he mostly posts over here these days.

I’m kind of curious…do folks just consider us all Stryker in sort of a collective way? Should we pull a Ramones and all change our posting names?

Can I be Joey?

14. March 2005 · Comments Off on I Don’t Know Who She Is…But She’s Kind of Whacky · Categories: Site News, That's Entertainment!

Beth over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy wonders if she’s the only blogger not watching the new Battlestar Galactica?

Well, as far as I’m concerned if she were really the geek and former AF person she says she is, she wouldn’t even think such drivel much less post it, but the rest of her blog seems kind of fun…in that Ann Coulter meets Michelle Malkin for beers on the porch of the Piggly Wiggly sort of way.

Now I have a craving for BBQ Pork Rinds…damn her.

Via INDC Journal.

Update: Working now.

08. March 2005 · Comments Off on Our Man in Afghanistan · Categories: General, Site News

Just a quick heads-up: Capt. Loggie e-mailed me to say he has arrived in Afghanistan, and will post, and send pictures as soon as he has some internet access time!
Stay tuned….

21. February 2005 · Comments Off on And Now a Brief Word About Comments… · Categories: General, Site News

For the last couple of months, this weblog and many others have been targeted by organized and automated comment-spamming, whereby comments containing links are attached indiscriminately to just about every entry in the archive. These comments, links and originating websites are generally pushing an assortment of prescription drugs, variations on poker and other casino games, and sexual perversions of truly outstanding vileness. There appears to be a profit being made somewhere, something to do with inflating the trackback numbers or referrer logs for the sites, but in the case of “The Daily Brief” that would be money down the drain.

Somewhere, somewhere in the blogosphere there might remain a site or two which has not figured out how to block or delete the comment spam, and plugs for texas-hold-em poker, cut rate cialis and improbable perversions are roaming free and untrammeled across the archives. This site is not one of them, thanks to 1) Sparkey’s timely installation of comment spam filters, and 2) constant updating of the list of keywords which automatically dump a comment into the holding bin for review.

I am not going to be specific about the words which kick a comment into the holding bin, since I don’t want to make it easier for the spam comment trolls to contravene the list, but be assured that assorted references to card games, prescription drugs and particular 4-letter words included in a comment will put that comment into the holding bin until I get around to reviewing them for approval. And sometimes a comment just winds up there anyway…. But if your comment does not immediately appear, don’t panic. It hasn’t been eaten. It will appear eventually.

Curiously, the comment-spamming seems to be entirely automated— even though no more than one or two comments have appeared (for a very short time, and gone as soon as I am aware of them) whoever is doing this is still trying. There were over 950 spam-comments which they attempted to post during an eight hour period starting at 10 PM last night, a new overnight record. I anticipate hitting the 1,000 comment level very soon, and until something or someone puts these jokers out of business, comments at “The Daily Brief” will continue to be lightly moderated.

12. January 2005 · Comments Off on List Referendum…Called Off..Major List Mayhem Ensues · Categories: Site News

Paul over at Sanity’s Edge tried calling for a list referendum but he called it off. While you’re there you can talk about your favortite guitar solos.

I remember his blog from his “Blogging 101” series but somehow didn’t save the link…hat tip to Michele for reminding me he was there.

Warning: Going to either one of these sites could suck you into a vortex of List Making and commenting…and then you’ll miss Lost.

12. January 2005 · Comments Off on I say, I say Boy… · Categories: Site News

There’s an absolutely smart and civil discussion on Chickenhawks over at Digital Warfighter.

07. January 2005 · Comments Off on All Hail, to Sparkey! · Categories: General, Site News

Canny and wisest among engineers, who over last weekend installed certain software plug-ins to repel the disgusting deluge of spam-comments! The latest deluge has been unleashed upon us (they must be on some sort of regular schedule) and not one of the disgusting things has been posted onto the weblog! It is most especially marvellous, because a record-breaking number of 685 over the last to hours, of the most disgusting comments ever created by the mind of … well, whomever… has just been attempted to post to this weblog and not one of them has made it any farther than my hotmail inbox!
Well done, Sparkey! (Gilbert and Sullivan mode on)

Let’s hear three cheers! I’ll lead the way!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurray!

(Gilbert and Sullivan mode off)

Carry on… (I had a post about the Roger Tory Peterson Guide to Identifying Members of the Military to finish, but I left the floppy at work. Sorry. Finish on Monday. E-mail me or comment if you have any useful tips by which members of the various services can be differentiated from each other.)

07. January 2005 · Comments Off on Notice to Readers and Members of the Collective · Categories: General, Site News

The contributor known as Phantom has tendered his resignation from the Daily Brief and has requested that all his posts be removed. I have complied with his request.
That is all. Carry on, people.