11. September 2008 · Comments Off on Remembering… · Categories: Domestic, Home Front

No, my friends… thank YOU.

For running in when others were running out.

For heading up when others were heading down.

We can never repay you for your dedication, and your sacrifice, but we can resolve to always remember, and to always honor your memory.










cartoon by Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal-Citizen
photos copyright mvy 2002

11. September 2008 · Comments Off on Seven Years · Categories: Ain't That America?, General, GWOT, History, World

Supposedly, seven years is the time it takes for a human body’s cells to regenerate, to have new cells completely replace the old cells. I don’t know that factoid is true, strictly speaking, or if it just applies to the skin. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that it’s not true at all, but is just one of those curiosities which seems right, if somewhat startling at first thought.

Seven years; long enough for the scar tissue to grow over, for the breaks in the solid rock underpinning our universe to calcify, to heal over – and for us to become accustomed to living in a world without the silhouette of a pair of silver towers gleaming in the sunshine of a cool September morning. Long enough to become used to the absence, and accustomed to the wrenching changes, to acclimate ourselves to a new reality. But not long enough to become used to the absence, to the space in a life where a husband, a wife, a son or daughter, or a friend used to be. Never long enough to forget the sight of a tall building – first one and then the other – falling into itself, dissolving into a dark blizzard-cloud of smoke and debris, and taking the lives of thousands of people with it. No, never forget that; it’s the vision I see now, whenever I listen to Mozarts’ Requiem.

Seven years of change since that morning, the morning when our world shuddered and for many of us, wrenched itself onto a new track. The changes have come so thick and fast, that the glorious September morning now and again seems to have happened a couple of decades ago. Two wars, one which seems now to be perilously won and the other still in balance, two presidential elections, the rise of a new media, the slow implosion of the old – the aftermath of a violent hurricane devastating the Louisiana-Mississippi Gulf Coast, (and another one which at this very moment seems destined to hit the Texas coast like a pile-driver) and any number of other events which strutted and fretted for their moment on the national and international stage; all of this moved the events of one day, the day of 9-11-01 away from a current event and into the pages of history.

But for today, and just for today, we set down the burdens of today for a moment, and remember.

(The letter that I wrote about that day is here, in the old MT archive)

11. September 2008 · Comments Off on Fox News is Showing Footage from 9/11/01 · Categories: Memoir

…and all over again, I keep choking up.

Work should be interesting.

10. September 2008 · Comments Off on Per Diem and the World’s Verdict · Categories: General

Jonathan Freedland: The world’s verdict will be harsh if the US rejects the man it yearns for.

Well, golly, if the world yearns for Barack Obama they can damn well invite him to run for office there. Although somehow I doubt the son of an African would even be in the running for the top job in, say, England.

Perhaps I’m wrong. But England has plenty o’ black people. Have there been any in slots comparable to Secretary of State, let alone in the running for Prime Minister?

But the headline is not the only bit o’ nonsense.

She (Governor Palin) even seems to have claimed “per diem” allowances – taxpayers’ money meant for out-of-town travel – when she was staying in her own house.

We have this thing called research.  Doing a modest amount of this is revealing.  Her own house is in Wasilla.  The state capitol is in Juneau.  The distance between the two is what is commonly called ‘a whole bunch’ – call it 600 miles.

Per diem is used to offset additonal expenses incurred living away from home. It’s pretty common – I’m surprised Mr. Freedland seems unfamiliar with the concept – which is usually the case when an author wraps something in scare quotes.  Perhaps he needs to talk with his HR rep at the Guardian – I suspect he’s earned some during his travels for his employer and might be owed some money.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

10. September 2008 · Comments Off on Timmer’s post got me thinking…. · Categories: General

Timmer’s upset at the media attacks on Gov. Palin. So am I.

As a fairly strong, successful woman, I took offense every time Hillary played the victim card during the primaries (”you’re picking on me because I’m a woman”). Either you’re strong enough to run this country, or you’re not. The presidency is not a place for thin-skinned victim-mongers.

Sarah Palin got to where she is without playing the victim card, so far as I can tell. And I respect that.

I’m not a politician (nor do I want to be), but I am my own person, who got where I am without playing any victim cards. The most common phrase I heard when I was growing up was “girls don’t do that.” Girls don’t play drums (pre-Karen Carpenter). Girls don’t work on cars. Girls don’t drive tractors. Girls don’t take shop class. Girls don’t take vocational agriculture, but we have a very nice home-ec program if you’d like, or maybe the horticulture class? So I don’t play drums, but I learned how to change my own oil, I helped my dad bush-hog the fields, I took wood-shop in summer school. Today, I can build or repair computers, recently built my own rain-barrels, swapped out regular light-switches for motion-sensor light switches, swapped out ceiling light fixtures, and all kinds of other things that “girls don’t do,” according to my early childhood.

My grandfathers were coal-miners. One was also a share-cropper. I have no idea about their fathers/grandfathers — none of us know anything much about our families before the most recent generations. Although I do know that on my mother’s side, the family was split during the civil war – one brother wore blue, one wore gray.

Neither of my parents graduated high school. Mom dropped out after her junior year so she could get a job and help out at home. Dad dropped out because he didn’t like school. My dad joined the Marines at 17 so he could stay out of the coal mines. Mom got married at 18 to get away from home. Her first husband thought she’d make a good punching bag, so she left him. She and my dad were together for 2 years before they married, and she was 3-4 months pregnant with my brother when she married my dad (in 1954). She hid that for 20 years because she was so embarrassed about it. When she died in 2003, they’d been married 50 years.

I’m the youngest in my immediate family, and I was the first one to go to college. When I wanted a college degree, I found financial aid, and joined the National Guard (dad was handicapped and folks had no money). When I needed to pay off college loans, and figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, I joined the Air Force. When that stopped being fun, I got out and figured out what I really wanted to be when I grew up, and started pursuing those types of jobs.

I survived two years of unemployment while living alone, 500 miles away from my family and 1000 miles away from my best support system.

I have spent the last 25 years working in career fields that are mostly male-dominated (military, IT), and have never needed to play any kind of victim card, or gender card. All I’ve needed to do is learn my job, do my job, and be a grown up. I learned early on that whining at work was NOT the way to get ahead.

Gov. Palin is a grown up. She has my vote. And yeah, like Timmer says, they’re not just attacking Gov. Palin. They’re attacking me. I’m not a politician, or a former beauty queen, or a wife & mother, but I’m an independent, strong-minded, successful, conservative woman, who comes from “fly-over country.” Like Gov. Palin. Like Sgt Mom. Like my best friend in Texas, and most of the women that I know.

The media has no idea who we are. They may never know. But we know who we are. And we know who Sarah Palin is. She’s one of us.

10. September 2008 · Comments Off on That Didn’t Take Long at All · Categories: Politics, Rant

Dear Sarah Palin Attackers,

At this point, only a week and a half after Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican pick for the VP candidate, whenever I hear or see a new attack on her, I simply roll my eyes and assume it’s bullshit.

Too much, too silly, too fast.  Nothing’s sinking in.  My eyes just sort of glaze over whenever some new, negative report of her “wrongness” comes on the air or over the net.

To be quite honest, it’s pissing me off.  The more you attack her, the more likely I am to vote for McCain and her, and I wasn’t all that excited about him before you started flinging the crap.

And Senator Obama?  The difference is, when Senator McCain made the “lipstick on a pig” remark last year, he was talking about Senator Clinton’s medical insurance program, you seemed to be attacking Governor Palin herself. That’s not the sexism card, that’s the, “What happened to disagreeing without being disagreeable?” card.

So just keep it up, we may not be paying attention to the details any more, but we are paying attention to what you’re attacking.  You’re attacking the person, not her policies.

What you’re not getting is even though a lot of us don’t agree with her on everything, I know I don’t, we admire her for what she’s accomplished and who she is.  We admire her for being so freaking normal compared to the rest of the political world.

You blew it.  When you attack her, it feels like you’re attacking me, disagreements and all.  I can relate to her a whole lot better than I can to you.  Every time you throw mud at her, it splashes onto me.  You seemed to have missed that.

And if you missed that, I just think you’re too dense to run the country.

UPDATE:  In all fairness to Senator Obama, once I saw the entire clip, the argument can be made that he was talking about McCain and his policies vs Governor Palin.  Although the crowd obviously didn’t take it that way.

10. September 2008 · Comments Off on Another Sarah Palin Post · Categories: A Href, General, Politics

Ran across this on OpinionJournal.com yesterday…

Notable & Quotable
September 9, 2008

Howard Fineman writing in Newsweek on the Republican vice-presidential candidate:

Democrats dare not issue [Sarah] Palin a pass—she’s too dangerous a foe. Normally vice presidential candidates fade into the background. Nobody is expecting that with Palin; indeed, her newfound celebrity has made even Obama look dull.

The usual rule is that voters don’t trust attacks from people they don’t know, but Palin is turning the adage on its head. Democrats are determined to attack her credibility, even if it gives her more visibility. “We’ve got to go after her, and fast,” a top Democratic strategist, who asked for anonymity when discussing strategy, told me.

09. September 2008 · Comments Off on The Discrete Charm of the Frontier Woman · Categories: Ain't That America?, General, History, Media Matters Not, Old West, Politics, World

I understand that some of our foreign observers generally are having a bit of trouble grokking the attraction of Sarah Palin amongst the blue-collar electorate in a variety of American locales not known for exhibiting that Olde Worlde Cosmopolitan Charm. Lord knows our very own dear political and media elite are having much the same kind of problem. Kind of fun to watch them twist and squirm in the icy cold wind, as they slowly realize that the rest of the ’08 campaign will not be a walk in the park for the Fresh Prince of Chicago – that the anticipated coronation might have to be put on hold… with luck for the foreseeable future. I ought not to enjoy the sight so much… but I – aside from the collection of Japanese prints and affection for Bach’s Brandenburg concerti – am a person with simple taste in amusements. This election season is turning out to be way too much fun.

OK, back to my main point – the reasons why we kind of like Sarah Palin. There are any number of considered reasons to not like her political stance. Some may be put off by the adamantly ant-abortion bit, or a distinct lack of enthusiasm for big-government solutions to real world problems, and a certain lack of experience with persistent and endemic problems in mega-big Americian cities. When I think of desperately broken inner cities with huge gang problems, endemic poverty and the occasional outbreak of rioting, Juneau, AK is about the last place which comes to mind. Something about extreme heat and extreme cold keeping people law-abiding, mostly because going out and breaking the law in a serious way is just too damn uncomfortable.

These days, when we turn on the tube or go to a movie, we get the strong woman whose personal life is a mess, or a strong woman whining about the glass ceiling, or having the vapors because someone said something, or some dithery and charming ingénue, eaten up with equally charming neuroses. Or any one of a number of other stereotypes… which are, frankly, getting a little boring. In real life, in flyover country, most of us know a Sarah Palin, sometimes a great many of them; strong and competent women with happy marriages, well-adjusted families, and a long career of service to their communities… or for the places where they worked. They are not nearly as rare as they might appear – it’s just that the job openings for governor and VP-nominee are not nearly enough to absorb them all, and to be honest, the interest of the media is a sometime and fleeting thing. So what it is it about a hitherto mostly obscure local politician, with a personal story arc that looks like something assembled from a collection of upbeat country songs and those Lifetime Channel made for TV movies which have a kick-ass happy ending? (Yeah, all three of them….)

Basically, it’s because she is an archetype – the frontier woman. Or the pioneer woman, and that’s a sort that we haven’t really seen front and center for a bit. Well, not on the national stage, anyway. In the military maybe; lots of that sort of woman. Tough as nails, do not take a lot of BS or give it out, supremely competent, unflappable, and amusing to hang out with, comfortable in her own skin. Now and again you might see that kind of woman appear briefly in a supporting role. But even in the 19th century, they weren’t especially thick on the ground… except possibly on the American frontier – although such marvelous women did make occasional appearances in other venues.

As I wrote a couple of months ago, about Lizzie Johnson– schoolteacher, cattle baroness, landowner, writer and bookkeeper – such women had no other habitat than on the frontier. Which was a tough place, despite many romantic notions about it; dangerous, devoid of the usual support systems that women of the Victorian era, no matter of what class were accustomed to. Women on the frontier died in childbirth, of various unpleasant illnesses to include spousal abuse, went mad, were killed in accidents and Indian raids… but many of them thrived in the relative social freedom. Some of them even went to the extent of putting on mens’ clothing, but many of them did just fine in their own.

In one the books on my shelf for research – a volume about cattle ranching – there is a picture of three young women in the corral of a cattle ranch in Colorado in the 1890s. Two of them are in properly modest, dark-colored, ankle-length dresses, and the youngest wears a light-colored dress with a ruffled hem that comes down to the top of her high-buttoned shoes. All of them are wearing straw boaters. The girl in the short dress and one of the older girls are holding braided lariats, drawn tight on the fore and hind legs of a cow laying on the ground. The third girl is holding a long-handled branding iron, as a small woodfire burns a short distance away. The three girls, according to the caption, are the daughters of a well-to-do rancher, who wanted to be sure that they had every necessary skill to carry on with the business of the ranch after his death – even those skills which were normally carried out by male ranch hands. Frontier women, god bless them. They could probably go into the parlor, after a round of calf-branding, and do a mean round of cross-stitch embroidery, and then host a meeting of the Women’s Library Book Committee.

In the end, it’s all about competence – not if you are male or female. Can you do the job and not whine, or ask for special treatment. So that’s why we like Sarah Palin – she’s a frontier woman, a hundred years after the frontier.

09. September 2008 · Comments Off on Interesting Take · Categories: Ain't That America?, Domestic, Fun and Games, General, Politics, World

I remember the ’72 election well – and how the mad antics of some McGovern supporters really, really did horrify a lot of other people. It all reflected quite badly on him – who was otherwise a fairly well-thought-of and otherwise undistinguished politico. Those election-year stunts drove – so the conventional wisdom goes – a lot of people into voting for Nixon. Happening again? This blogger thinks so. Interesting take here – can’t remember where I found it. Not through LGF… to much madness among the lizardlings, these days.

09. September 2008 · Comments Off on Someone take back this song · Categories: General
Or take it away. One of those. It’s begging to be used.

Ann and Nancy Wilson didn’t like the GOP playing Barracuda[1]. Fine – it was a dumb choice and it hasn’t aged well.

If the GOP is going to reach back to the 80s for theme music [2] they could do worse than Lou Reed’s ‘There Is No Time‘.

It’s got a rockin’ beat to get the crowds on their feet and dancing. It’s got guitars and drums and frickin’ Lou Reed doing that growl-talk-sorta sing thing he does. I’ve listened to it like six times all the way through – the things I do for you people – and it’s still got my toes a tappin’.

And the lyrics are about perfect. If McCain is running the Maverick Express [3] and really is doing the hey we’re really sorry about the whole ‘we lost our stuff when we got the keys to the treasury in 1994’ thing … you couldn’t hardly improve on this:

This is no time for celebration
This is no time for shaking Hands
This is no time for backslapping
this is no time for marching Bands

This is no time for optimism
this is no time for endless Thought
This is no time for my country Right or Wrong
Remember what that brought

There is no time
There is no time
There is no time
There is no time

This is no time for congratulations
This is no time to turn Your Back
This is no time for circumlocution
This is no time for learned speech

This is no time to count Your Blessings
This is no time for private Gain
This is the time to put Up or Shut Up
It won’t come back this way again


This is no time to swallow Anger
This is no time to ignore Hate
This is no time to be Acting Frivolous
Because the time is getting late

This is no time for private vendettas
This is no time to not know who you are
Self knowledge is a dangerous thing
The freedom of who you are

This is no time to ignore Warnings
This is no time to clear the Plate
Let’s not be sorry after the fact
And let the past become out fate


This is no time to turn away and drink
Or smoke some vials of crack
This is a time to gather force
And take dead aim and attack

This is no time for celebration
This is no time for saluting Flags
This is no time for inner Searchings
The future is at hand

This is no time for phony Rhetoric
This is no time for political Speech
This is a time for action
Because the future’s within Reach

This is the time
This is the time
This is the time
Because there is no time


Lou Reed at Web 2.0 by ptufts.
Yes, I’m serious, Lou.

YouTube the song. There are no music videos there but there are some really lame cartoons done up with the lyrics – including one where the artist oh-so cleverly drew a Hitler mustache on George Bush.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

[1] On the other hand, they can hardly complain about the publicity. Heart .. whozat? people under 30 were asking themselves. If Ann and Nancy were savvy they’d cut a quick response song and release it on the internets.

[2] And why not? The 80s featured a lot of kick-ass music. Also really dorky music videos – but they were just learning how mix music and those new-fangled teevees so you can’t blame us them.

[3] Or whatever it is.

08. September 2008 · Comments Off on Question of the Day, 080908 · Categories: General

Are “The Sarah Connor Chronicles” really that good or is the state of SciFi so bad that it seems better than it is?

08. September 2008 · Comments Off on The Anchoress Hits One Out of the Park · Categories: A Href, General, Politics

Read me. NOW.

I’ve never watched any of the Godfather movies, but even I recognize the brilliance in The Anchoress’ latest piece.

She titled it: The Humbling: “The One” goes to Don Clinton, and not only is it hilarious, it’s replete with sources for each of her points. Funny & factual – who can ask for more?

So, it appears that “The One” is going begging to Don Clinton, hat in hand:

The One strides in confidently and extends his hand to The Don. The Don looks up, contemplates the proffered hand, and watches The One’s smile fade as it is not shaken. The One retracts his hand, and tilts his head, comprehending, but not liking it. Still, he needs this meeting.

Don Clinton nods slightly, and with a silky hand motions The One to take a seat. Don Clinton’s blue eyes are grave, but there is a noticeable twitching about his mouth, as though he is suppressing a smile, or sucking on a peeled grape. He remains silent. The One looks about the room in discomfort, waiting for an opening. Don Clinton makes a point of playing with his pinky ring, and gives him none. Finally, clearing his throat and assuming a cavalier affect, The One speaks:

The One: Uh, thank you, Mr. President, for seeing me in your beautiful offices.

Don Clinton nods, but says nothing. More praise is due.

The One: I, um, think it’s er…a wonderful, a wonderful testament to your, eh, your um, unquestionable commitment to em, the uh, your solidarity with the black community.

Don Clinton, remembering when The One played the race card on him, narrows his eyes and does not smile. He leans back in his chair and waits, squinting through the smoke, his cigar tilting upward in his mouth, ala FDR. More praise is due.

The One: It – it was a masterstroke of erm, brilliant racist-baiting, erm…a stroke of masterburbating, uhhhh, stroking, ermmm…a master…stroke…of getting back at the Republican jerks who impeached you and foreplaying, I mean forestalling any future innuendo or scandals intern erm…in turn.

Don Clinton’s eyes are ablaze with anger. The One, too cool to cower, crosses his legs and wishes for a teleprompter.

07. September 2008 · Comments Off on Someone is going to get it. · Categories: General

I mean, pow.

I spent eight years in the Marines, disassembled my M16A2 I don’t know how many times.  Call it a bunch.

M16A2 M203

See that ring just aft of the handguards?  To remove the handguards, you slide it back, then sort of pry the guards out.  The problem is if your rifle is new or new-ish or even middle-aged the spring is super-duper tight and it’s a bitch to yank that thing back far enough.

Well science has marched to the rescue.  And once I saw this I smacked my forehead: duh.

Handguard removal tool by you.

Insert the bendy bit into the magazine well, clamp the straight bits around the ring and lever that sum’bitch down.

So obvious.  And it would have saved my paws wear and tear over the years.  I’d like to go back and smack myself for not even thinking about this.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

06. September 2008 · Comments Off on Unbelievable · Categories: Ain't That America?, Politics, Rant

We’re half watching the McCain/Palin rally in Colorado Springs.  There are a lot of American Flags in the audience.  Where did they all come from?

Apparently, vendors cleaning up Invesco Field after the DNC found them heading for the trash!

I know, to many people the American Flag is just a party favor, to others, kind of big deal.

To me, it tells me that I can’t even think about voting Democrat.  The organizers gave no thought to taking care of all those flags if folks didn’t want to take them home.  The participants gave no thought to what to do with them after they were done waving them.

No consideration.  That’s what I can expect from the Democrats, and that’s what I’ll give them.

They simply don’t get anyone outside of their scope.

05. September 2008 · Comments Off on They have met the enemy . . . · Categories: General

I don’t know how long they’ve had the Cedarburg (Wisconsin) visit planned but we heard about it last week. Work obligations kept me close to home but I would have liked to have gone. Over 1,000 people showed up to see Senator McCain and Governor Palin …

What? Oh. Owen reports the actual headcount was 12,500, registered as they entered the door.  The state troops estimated 20 – 30,000 – TMJ4 on Youtube.

Twelve or twenty thousand – not a bad turnout.

I’m sure declining newspaper circulation has nothing to do with sloppy reporting like that.  Completely unrelated.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

05. September 2008 · Comments Off on Yet More Evidence · Categories: Ain't That America?, Fun and Games, General, Media Matters Not, Politics, sarcasm

… that the mainstream media and the elites who run them are – to put it mildly – way out of touch with ‘fly-over’ America, and may have fatally misunderestimated the Palin appeal.

Item One (courtesy of the Great Blogfaddah) – Oprah balks at hosting Sarah Palin.

Item Two (courtesy of Rantburg, my source for all things pointed and sarky) Angry readers dump US over Palin.

I’m sure there are more out there. My one rather mild regret is that I don’t watch Oprah or read US, so I can’t join in the glorious pile-on of angry subscribers or watchers.

See, here’s the thing; I’ve got nothing against the hosts of TV shows, or the publishers of magazines favoring one political candidate over another. Hey, free country and all that. It’s when those hosts and publishers forget their main demographic and appear to be openly supporting one side over the other. It’s going to cheese off at least half the audience or readership, and I am surprised as heck that I have to explain this to people who have been in the biz since I was in high school.

You piss off your main audience at your peril. Two words to remember: Dixie Chicks.

04. September 2008 · Comments Off on When Female Bloggers Speak… · Categories: General, Politics

Some of my favorite writers on the net are women.  Smart, funny, successful in what they’ve chosen to do, women.

So before I go to bed with my favorite woman, Beautiful Wife, I thought I’d surf around and see what some of my favorite female bloggers are talking about:

Venomous Kate:  “Sarah Palin Wowed My World.”

Sisu:  Just go to the main page and scroll down.

Rachel Lucas:  “Sarah Palin Makes Me Want to Dance.”

Every female writer over at Wizbang.

Just scroll down this page for Sgt. Mom’s take.

In almost every case, there’s some mention about how they were bored with the election already and how they’re now excited, pissed off, energized…add whatever adjetive you’d like…except bored.

I think the lefties are going to be VERY sorry that they pissed off the working Moms of this country.  They not only went after her family, they questioned whether or not she could be a good mom and do the Vice President thing at the same time.  Big mistake.  Huge honking blunder.

They basically questioned every working Mom’s ability to work and mother at the same time and even some Feminists with a capital “F” are going, “Oh no you didn’t!”

An old friend from back home, unrepentent hippie chick, voted Democrat her entire adult life…now thinking about voting for McCain/Palin.  Why?  The left wingers, so anxious to disarm Sarahcuda, pissed her right the hell off.  “What do you MEAN she can’t be a good mom and Veep at the same time?”  You see, that’s something only a stodgy ol’ Republican should say, not an “enlightened” Democrat.

04. September 2008 · Comments Off on Memo: Getting Out More · Categories: Domestic, Fun and Games, General, Politics, Rant, World

From: Sgt Mom
To: Our Various Political, Media and Intellectual Elites
Re: The Appeal of Palin

1.I have to admit all over again, ladies and gentlemen of the uber-elite, if there were ever more proof needed that y’all (and I use the Southernism purposefully) and the rest of us live – if not on two different planets, than at least in two separate yet linked realities – then we’ve collected that proof by the bucket-full over the last week. I speak of course of the nomination of Xenia, the Warrior Princess of Wassila, Alaska to run as the vice-presidential candidate of the Grand Ol’ Party in this suddenly electrified election season.

2. A cat among the political pigeons doesn’t even begin to express the mad flurries this week; first the shock of another maverick, formerly the governor of Alaska, an outside and relatively unknown regional political personality. She appears amidst us – not like Venus wafted ashore, on a sea shell and attended with nymphs and cupids and fluttery draperies’ but heralded with the other kind of shell, a whole barrage of them, and appearing out of the smoke mounted on a roaring Harley, dressed in cammies with a hunting rifle and a sniper-scope over her shoulder and a field-dressed moose carcass slung over the back - oh, no! that’s no moose, it’s Michael Moore! You get the idea, this has been a pretty startling week, all the way around. I actually can;t blame the “good ladies* of NOW for reacting as if a hairy Visigoth had just barged into their board meeting and let out a prodigious fart. (And lit it.) They;re all for women in positions of power and authority – they just have to be the right sort. With the right kind of background, the right sort of friends, the properly vetted positions and opinions.

3. So, Governor Palin – able, charismatic, sharp as a humming-bird’s beak, with a proven record in local and small-town politics – very definitely not the right sort to be enthusiastically embraced by the old-line political, media and intellectual elite. That the rest of us are charmed, energized, and approving, that is just killing the old guard. I mean, really killing them. I picture Maureen Dowd and all the rest of the NY Times line-up, doing the haughty Margo Dumont impression, all evening gown and pearls, looking down their noses through the lorgnette: well, really, how dare those those peasants approve of That Woman!? Don’t they know what is best for them? How is this possible, they can reject our wise and knowledgeable counsel?(With her pregnant teenage daughter, and her own hasty marriage – and that impossibly dishy blue-collar husband of hers – et cetera, et cetera.)

4. I swear, you must be in such a tiz about this, everywhere from the lunchrooms of the High and Mighty, the boardrooms of the Ivy League, Kos’s mother’s basement, the CBS newsroom and all. Shouldn;t all those (shudder) revelations about Her – shouldn;t all that have sunk Her nomination deeper than the Titanic with all those blue-state hicks in the sticks? You know what those people are like, darling!

5. Matter of fact, it’s become pretty clear that y’all don’t know what it;s like, out here in blue-state-land. No, honestly, I don’t think y’all have a clue at all. You have some bizarre visualization of small-town, blue-state, working-class and middle-class Americans. You appear to be disconnected from Americans who go to church regularly, who serve in the military, who go into a trade or profession without bothering with college attendance. You have nothing to go upon but tired old tropes gleaned from the movies and stale cliches from television shows and novels that someone forced you to read in high school, four decades ago. In that sort of fun-house mirror of the ‘other America;, church-goers are hysterical, judgmental fanatics, women who want to do anything more than marry well and squeeze out offspring are treated like pariahs, being divorced is cause for social blackballing and gays and blacks are regularly lynched and/or flogged. Everyone is a red-neck, hostile gun-worshiper who doesn’t know which fork to eat the salad with and reads on the 5th grade level and lusts after their sister, and can’t wait to murder the next stranger who drives into town.

6. Pointing out that small-town, flyover, other-America is nothing like that at all is like spitting into a hurricane. There is nothing so granite-like in its certainty like well-established prejudices. It’s coming back to bite you. Yes, you, our very own home grown elites. My dear people, you live in a bubble and have come to believe what you have created, in the vision you have of the ‘other’, your own countrymen and women.

7. The problem is that for you elites, the ‘other’ America can see clearly and very well, thank you. They can see past the vision, or is it the hallucination? And they also vote.

Hoping this is of help to you all
I remain,

Sgt. Mom

* As always, viciously skeptical quotemarks

03. September 2008 · Comments Off on Another Piece of my Childhood Slips Away · Categories: General

Jerry Reed passes away at 71.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Jerry Reed, a singer who became a good ol’ boy actor in car chase movies like “Smokey and the Bandit,” has died of complications from emphysema at 71.

His longtime booking agent, Carrie Moore-Reed, no relation to the star, said Reed died early Monday.

“He’s one of the greatest entertainers in the world. That’s the way I feel about him,” Moore-Reed said.

Sony BMG Nashville Chairman Joe Galante called Reed a larger-than-life personality.

The article goes on to name some of Jerry’s songs, which are now playing in my head. I grew up listening to country music, and his songs were quite popular during my teenage years. “She got the goldmine (I got the shaft),” “When you’re hot you’re hot,” “Amos Moses”… these are some of the songs of my adolescence. He wasn’t a favorite of mine, but the songs stayed with me, apparently.

In the mid-1970s, he began acting in movies such as “Smokey and the Bandit” with Burt Reynolds, usually as a good ol’ boy. But he was an ornery heavy in “Gator,” directed by Reynolds, and a hateful coach in 1998’s “The Waterboy,” starring Adam Sandler.

Reynolds gave him a shiny black 1980 Trans Am like the one they used in “Smokey and the Bandit.”

Hmmm… sure am glad that the AP is “real” media, and has all them fancy fact-checkers and everything. It would be a shame if they was to type sumthin’ stoopid like the yokels who sit around in their pajamas at their keyboards, wouldn’t it?

Smokey & The Bandit came out while I was in high school. I graduated high school in 1978. It would be kind of hard to have a 1980 Trans Am two or more years before 1980, wouldn’t it? Out of curiosity, I checked IMDB.com – 30 seconds of my time yielded the information that Smokey was made in 1977. But I’m not real media, so my fact-checking doesn’t count. I’m just one of those part-time bloggers, sitting here at my keyboard in my pj’s (literally – I’m only 20 minutes out of bed at this point).

Ah, well. It’s just a washed-up entertainer who passed away. Accuracy doesn’t matter that much in that case, I guess. After all, it’s not like it was a memo from a National Guard commander, denigrating a presidential candidate, right? They would fact-check that, I’m sure.

edited to add: The AP article I link to is 13 hours old at this point. I guess no one has bothered to tell the reporter(s) about their little time paradox, and the link I found doesn’t have a space for comments.

31. August 2008 · Comments Off on Not everyone is pleased with Sarah Palin · Categories: General

A former McCain supporter steps forward to voice his displeasure with the pick of Sarah Palin for Vice President ..

bullwinkle moose by bridalgownz.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

31. August 2008 · Comments Off on Mandatory Sarah Palin Mention · Categories: General

Two days late, but, what the hell…here’s my take based on what I’ve read and seen in the last 48 hours.

The folks on the far right love her…which gives me pause.  I’m not a far right guy.  Someone who goes by the tag, “Social Conservative” makes me think of Gladys Kravitz, peeking out from behind her curtains, making decisions about how my life ought to be.

The folks on the far left hate her…this makes me smile.

She’s originally from Idaho, moved to Alaska, went to college in Idaho, and then went BACK to Alaska.  I understand that.  Idaho’s not as “civilized” as much of the U.S., but it’s not Alaska.  Anyone who chooses to live up there, has my respect.

She’s a babe, in a “naughty librarian” kind of way.  Yes, that’s simply testosterone talking, but hey, at my age, when it talks, I listen.

I’m not  thrilled that she’s been accused of trying to get her ex brother in law fired and then fired the guy who wouldn’t fire the brother in law.  There’s an, “Off with their heads!” feel to that.  Is the McCain camp THAT sure that she didn’t do anything wrong?

The experience thing.  We’ve had experienced people in office before and I haven’t been impressed.  I don’t think the Presidency or Vice Presidency should be held “professional” politicians.  Quite honestly, I’m against professional politicians out of sheer orneriness (sic).

I’ve heard that her huband and son aren’t Republicans, they’re independents.  I think that’s simply amazing and it’s definitely a plus.

A couple women I work with are poli-sci majors and they think McCain has given the race away.  “No WAY a woman should be the VP with a President who’s THAT old.  Americans won’t have it!”  Hmmm, makes me want to vote for MCain just to prove them wrong.

I’m not voting for either candidate based on their Veep pick, but I’m with Mom…pass the popcorn, this has finally become interesting.

31. August 2008 · Comments Off on Cone of Uncertainty? · Categories: General

That’s what they’re calling the graphic for Gustav’s possible landfall.

I’m sorry…something that serious shouldn’t sound like something Maxwell Smart would work with.

31. August 2008 · Comments Off on Thoughts from the Deep Archives · Categories: Domestic, Fun and Games, General, Politics

I wrote an essay a good few years ago- alas now it is lost in the old MT archive and backed up on floppy disc, and my new computer does not have a floppy drive so I can’t pull it up- the long and thoughtful exploration of how I used to be a feminist. A small-f feminist, who slowly and gradually began to realize that the capital-F feminists were painting themselves into a corner.

Reading through MS Magazine, as I did devotedly during the years that I was in active service, the message became clearer and clearer: you weren’t really counted as a (large capital) feminist in good standing unless you were a vegetarian-pagan-lesbian-single-parent-of-color-employed-by-a-university-and-serious-victim-of-the-patriarchy, and also eschewed leg and armpit shaving and makeup into the bargain – and if you had the misfortune to be white and middle class, better get down and do a lot of groveling apologies for it.

The mainstream, capital-F feminists seemed so angry, so hurt in a myriad of different ways that I honestly did not feel. I was a military woman, and a single parent, but when I looked at it honestly, the patriarchy just did not seem to be opressing me that much. I had a rewarding career, interesting hobbies, a rewarding family life, a home and an income of my own. So I came to an inevitable and logical conclusion:

… maybe I am a post-feminist; holding to only a few simple strictures for organising women’s lives. The same access to educational opportunities, to be judged in the classroom and the job by the same standards, and to be paid the same for the same work. Arrange anything else – your child-bearing schedule, your profession, and your living arrangements in the manner which brings you and yours blessings and happiness. Anything more is just quibbling over special interests.

Now and again, I detected an undercurrent of similiar sentiments; even Naomi Wolf seemed to get the point when she wrote “Fire With Fire“, which seemed to chide activist women for clinging too tightly to the victim status and the enforcement of groupthink, rather than reaching out and freely excercising the power and authority which they of-times seemed reluctant to acknowledge… and of genuinely acknowledging that women were honestly and genuinely of varying religious, social and political beliefs.

So, the National Organization of Women has now proved my own point, as well as the one that Naomi Wolf was trying to make, in their descision to turn up their nose at Sarah Palin. Oh my – if you aren’t the right sort of feminist, never mind about your other qualifications or your chances to be elected to anything.

Sort of sad, really. NOW used to stand for something, to stand up for all women… not just those who met the rigorously-enforced checklist of acceptable attributes and opinions.

(Link found at Tim Blair)

31. August 2008 · Comments Off on I’m a Bad Person…I Know This · Categories: General

I’d really love to see Gustav completely destroy New Orleans so they have to start over, someplace new, someplace ABOVE sea-level and just quit fighting Mother Nature.

I live by the maxim that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Rebuilding New Orleans again is insane and I seriously don’t want to know how much of my tax money is going to go into the effort.

29. August 2008 · Comments Off on John McCain – You Magnificent Bastard! · Categories: Ain't That America?, Fun and Games, General, Politics, Rant, World

So, late to the blog-reaction party, being out and about this morning, in my some-time employer’s high-off-the-ground bright yellow jeep with the ranch advertising etched on the windows, collecting my paycheck from the Large Corporate Entity and buying groceries. I had the classical music station on, which didn’t go to a newsbreak that I heard for most of the morning… eh, it was the same with 9-11. I wasn’t aware for hours.

But upon returning to the house… and wow! Talk about getting inside the Obamanation’s decision loop. Or as they say in chess parlance, ‘check’. That strange whistling sound must be that of the air rushing out of whatever room that the Obama-Biden campaign is strategizing in. Tell me, who the hell made speeches last night? There were some speeches last night at the Democratic convention, weren’t there? This is such a true maverick move. I can’t stop chortling. Somewhere, Hilary Clinton must be shredding that orange pantsuit, snarling “Mine! It should have been mine!” and making life hell for whoever is with her. In a truly just world, that would be Mr. Bill, ex-prez and aficionado of young interns.

Picking Sarah Palin for the VP slot – youngish, sharp, attractive, female, with administrative experience as a mayor and governor, mother of children, blue-collar husband, soldier son, another political maverick – oh, a Veep candidate who is proof against the arrows and slings of the hard-core Kossacks. They can’t chuck stones at her without having them rebound on them tenfold! Honestly, the only way she could be made more critic-proof would be if she were black or mixed race, spoke Spanish as her first language and was a lesbian – admittedly that last would be hard to square with the marriage and five children.

Oh, man – this campaign has just all of a sudden gotten fun. Break out the popcorn, now we are all paying attention. To loosely quote J.P Rourke, “Old age and treachery beat out youth, speed and a bad haircut.”

Later – more from the peerless Iowahawk, waxing homeric.

28. August 2008 · Comments Off on Things Not Allowed in Invesco Field Tonight · Categories: Politics

Proof…proof I tell you that the DNC is un-American!

Here’s the list of items that won’t be allowed into Invesco Field for Barack Obama’s acceptance speech:

From the Rocky Mountain News:

Outside food and beverage of any kind, including alcoholic beverages, coolers and bottled water


Large bags, suitcases or backpacks

Noisemakers, air horns, whistles, cowbells (???!!!), horns, bull horns or other voice enhancement devices.

Signs, banners, flags or any other items that would either obstruct the view of a patron or serve as a security risk

Any and all unauthorized merchandise, including unapproved pamphlets, handouts, advertisements, etc.

Knives of any size, razor blades or sharp or pointed objects like scissors and knitting needles

Mace, pepper spray or aerosol containers


Weapons of any kind, including toy weapons, or any article that might be used as a weapon or compromise public safety.

Canes that aren’t used for medical reasons, chains, or sticks of any length

Screwdrivers or Leatherman brand or similar tools

Dangerous or hazardous items or materials including chemical, biological, radiological agents

Animals (except service dogs and guide dogs)

Folding chairs

Laser devices


Bikes, inline skates, skateboards, scooters, shoes with wheels

Illegal drugs and any other illegal substances

Frisbees or inflated balls of any kind.

Do you see that?  NO COWBELLS.  Proof that they’re a bunch of commies!

Which just goes to show that Chris Muir is actually more topical than I thought…actually, I’m wondering if he’s more topical than HE thought.

On a side note, did you SEE the stage.  Designed, and I shit you not, by the same guy who designed Britney Spears’ stage for her last tour.  You can’t make this shit up.  I swear this guy wants to give it away.

27. August 2008 · Comments Off on You Know What’s Weird? · Categories: Politics

I’m kinda wishing Joe Biden had done better against Senators Clinton and Obama.

But I’m a sucker for Irishmen and blarney.