08. February 2005 · Comments Off on It Could Be Worse.. · Categories: That's Entertainment!

It hurts that my eight year old, Boyo, would rather watch Fridays on Cartoon Network than watch Battlestar Galactica with me…on the other hand, the Alien vs Predator DVD has become officially his. It’s in his rack, right next to Day After Tomorrow and along all the animated movies. And he practically demanded to know why we don’t have the rest of the Predator and Alien Collection, and by the way didn’t we mention that we were going to get Twister on DVD last year? Hmmm, cartoons, monster and disaster movies…not bad…not bad at all…and to be fair, he doesn’t have to play quietly when he watches stuff by himself.

What’s really hard is giving him a credible argument about spending less time playing video games when Beautiful Wife and I are both vidiots.

08. February 2005 · Comments Off on Battlestar Blogging, the Second · Categories: That's Entertainment!

With everything going on with ME I almost forgot about it.

How cool was Friday’s episode? The salute to Top Gun simply rocked.

I don’t know anyone who’s NOT watching this show. Even the crusty ol’ retired Chief, GS15, who runs the division jumped into the conversation last week. The conversation was about Number Six, aka, Tricia Helfer, but hey, he watches.

07. February 2005 · Comments Off on Monster Garage Not What It Used To Be · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I’m currently watching the Discovery Channel’s Monster Garage episode, Ultimate Surfmobile. And it is a total disappointment. For one, where is the “monster” element here? For SoCal, this is a run-of-the-mill hot rod. Further, where is the challenge? For this crew, this is a total kit-car build.

Of course, I have some other objections: Like, why, if the wanted the “ultimate woody,” did they not start with a Chrysler? And why didn’t they do it right, and drop the body on a contemporary Tundra, Titan, or F-150 chassis? But that’s esoteric car-guy stuff.

But I think everyone can agree that the production staff at Monster Garage is out of ideas.

Update: They just called it “the world’s only lifted, FWD, surf-woodie.” WRONG. In my life, I’ve seen at least a half-dozen.

05. February 2005 · Comments Off on Gawd, I Love Austin City Limits · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Where else on televison are you going to see a bunch of white folks in cowboy hats rockin’ out to an R&B act? Of course, where else on television are you going to see something as original and hot as Robert Randolph and the Family Band?

Even on Pay-Per-View, there’s no better musical entertainment on TV.

03. February 2005 · Comments Off on Idol Blogging · Categories: That's Entertainment!

This drove me crazy all night. The dude who made up his own rap and was thoroughly going for the Napoleon Dynamite look? Wasn’t that a comedian who used to do pizza commercials and stuff? Chris Wilde? Any bells?

31. January 2005 · Comments Off on Unscripted · Categories: That's Entertainment!

It doesn’t take long to realize that HBO’s Unscripted is any thing but. However, I don’t know if it’s the past-her-prime, but still too-hot-to-ignore Krista Allen, or the flat-out-adorable up-and-comer Jennifer Hall, or the totally dry wit. But whatever, HBO’s hit new series Unscripted, the most frank look ever at the trials and travails of someone trying to break into “the business” of acting, is the hottest new show of 2005.

31. January 2005 · Comments Off on What’s Your Music Player? · Categories: Technology, That's Entertainment!

Okay, all you gizmo freaks. I’ve got a very very nice tax return coming this year…so much for tax breaks just for the rich…and I’m thinking of upgrading my MP3 players. I use both hard drive and flash. I’m thinking of going all IPod.

What say you all?

30. January 2005 · Comments Off on Bubba For Arnold · Categories: Politics, That's Entertainment!

I’m currently watching A&E’s See Arnold Run. It’s a mediocure docudrama – hardly up to the caliber of the stuff HBO has made part of it’s stock-in-trade. But it did remind me of this, from today’s U.S. News and World Report:

Here’s the long shot of the year: Congressional Democrats will OK a constitutional amendment allowing naturalized citizens like California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to run for president if Republicans help kill the 22nd Amendment barring third terms, thus clearing the way for another bid by Bill Clinton and, presumably, President Bush. Right now it’s the talk among political strategists, but look for it to spread on Capitol Hill when Sen. Orrin Hatch reintroduces his plan to let naturalized citizens run for president after 20 years.

Update: Glenn Reynolds reminds us of the line about a constitutional Amendment back in Demolition Man in 1993. He seems to have a higher opinion of tonight’s pic than I do. Although we agree that Roland Kickinger does a great job as Arnold at 25. Also giving strong performances are Mariel Hemingway as Maria Shriver and Nora Dunn, as Arianna Huffington. Jurgen Prochnow, the great German actor made famous here in America by 1981’s Das Boot, is only so-so as the contemporary Arnold.

29. January 2005 · Comments Off on Arrrrgh! I Missed It! · Categories: That's Entertainment!

You will get more commercial-free, quality movie watching from TCM and FMC (with a smattering of PBS) than all the premium networks put together.

On TCM’s The Essentials this weekend is Hitchcock’s masterpiece (among his many), Spellbound. I will likely watch this, though I’ve seen it dozens of times before.

But I just missed one I’ve long had on my Haven’t Seen, but Must list: The Agony and The Ecstacy – Charlton Heston as Michelanglo, Rex Harrison as Pope Julius II and Diane Cilento as Contessina de Medici. Damn.

28. January 2005 · Comments Off on Sorry, Ms Rimes · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

I have just listened to (again) country music superstar Leann Rimes, on FNC’s Hannity & Colmes. Man – she is a lovely young woman. Her voice is pitch-perfect. And she has incredible range.

But, that said, her voice is also incredibly sterile (particularly for a country artist). She lacks any sort of depth or nuance. For the same reasons I find Judy Garland to be the greatest recorded female vocalist ever (followed closely by Sarah Vaughn), I find Leann to be an also-ran.

27. January 2005 · Comments Off on Help, Police – Wallet Assult! · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

One of my favorite DVDs is Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Now I find there is a special 25th anniversery edition out. And the price: almost $25! Well, no In-N-Out Double-Doubles for the next three months for me. 🙁

27. January 2005 · Comments Off on Sushi American Style · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

On tonight’s episode of CNBC’s Dennis Miller, I watched Tracy Griffith, author of Sushi American Style, make “BLT rolls”. They were spears of romaine lettuce, half-slices of salad tomatoes, and bacon strips, rolled in steamed rice. Yum-yum!

26. January 2005 · Comments Off on Uh Oh… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Beautiful Wife and I have a new obsession. She didn’t come to bed until almost 0100 this morning. A friend mentioned it when they heard we enjoyed playing Diablo II. Honestly, my wife is much more into Diablo than I ever was, I don’t have the patience for the hordes of little gremlin dudes, but this…this is different. And I have no idea how we missed it when it first came out, but I do like it when I can find a “Game of the Year” edition with all the patches and upgrades for about 20 bucks at Target or Walmart.

It’s called The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and it’s like falling into your computer for the first time again. Nope, never played the earlier Elder Scrolls either, I was more of a Might and Magic zombie.

So what’s different about it? You’re dropped in a world, you don’t know why, you don’t know how, and oh, you can do whatever you want. Pure freedom. If you should be able to do something…you can. You’re not bound by your quests. You’re not limited in your range of movement.

If you’ve played, please add your comments. No spoilers please.

23. January 2005 · Comments Off on Battlestar Blogging, The First · Categories: That's Entertainment!

So…there have been three episodes now and I find it odd that this crowd has been on the quiet side about the subject. It’s not like the first go-around where it was downright embarassing to like the show. Shoddy special effects, weak storylines, feathered hair everywhere you looked and I don’t think the costumes could have been any tighter without the FCC screaming bloody murder even if it was the 70s. I like T’n’A as much as the next guy but, call me weird, I prefer it when it’s attached to an interesting character.

Thank the Lords of Cobal that this is not the Battlestar Galatica of my teenage years. I know, there are geeks out there frothing at the mouth and losing their mathematical minds because Starbuck is a woman in this go around. Since I wasn’t a fan of the first one and I thought Dirk Benedict was best described by the last syllable of his name, not an issue for me. Besides, I believe I’ve mentioned I’m a fan of ladies who can kick ass. I’m not going to do a charactaer analysis for every character, but yeah, so far, Starbuck is my favorite…this week…I reserve the right to change my mind.

The current version of Battlestar is about three shades darker than the first one. It has the grim look that a society that’s gone through being effectively wiped out and set adrift should have. And just like the the original series if you can’t see the parallels between our world and their world, you prolly need a review in basic sociology.

When is it good science fiction? When it tells our story. That’s what made Star Trek in all it’s iterations so interesting. When they show US on the screen but they tell you it’s about them. There’s that layer of plausible deniability, that safe buffer where you can say, well that’s in the future or that’s in a parallel universe or a long time ago in a galaxy far-far away.

After watching the first three episodes of the current Battlestar Galactica, I would say they’ve got the tradition down just right. The characters may be in a different part of the galaxy, but make no mistake about it, we’re watching ourselves deal with destruction, having war thrust upon us, distrust, fear, rebellion, and making the decision yet again to define who we are.

22. January 2005 · Comments Off on Slash and Burn · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Some bands just belong in a bar…on a summer’s night with lots of ceiling fans blowing and the skylights wide open to let the smoke out and gusts of fresh air in so you can catch your breath if/when you get off the dance floor.

1985-Out on what was then the outskirts of Las Vegas was one of those wonderful, rare finds, a real live Rock’n’Roll BARN. Practically in the middle of the desert, the only lights for a couple of miles on that road. That smell of damp desert drifted in, sage and dust and a tinge of…something on the edge…

A friend of mine from Chicago had called…BoDeans were heading out west…no…not The BoDeans…just BoDeans…yes just like Jethro…no…they’re NOT a shit-kicker band…look STFU, trust me and just go…and bring a girl…you’re gonna wanna dance…have I ever lead you wrong?

BoDeans? Is she freakin’ kiddin’ me with this? Well…she did take me to Depeche Mode before anyone else had heard of them…

On that night a group of guys, from Wisconsin for Pete’s sake, set up their two guitars, their base, and their drum kit, and took everyone in that barn to school. They taught us how Springsteen ought to sound, how he wanted to growl. They showed us what Mellancamp was all about. They put Bob Seger on notice. The lead guitarist gave a lesson in harmonics that would make The Edge cry in frustration.

We drank a bit too much. We danced WAY too much. The smell of the desert blew through the roof and we danced some more. It was one of those nights that you just know you’re never going to forget. And you swear you’ll follow this band forever because…DAMN they can play and sing and that growl just sent a shiver through everyone…

That was almost 20 years ago…

A couple weeks ago I heard “Good Things” on Radio Paradise and that night came rolling back into my memory.

Went to Borders this weekend and picked up some books we were looking for and then headed upstairs to the music section. They had “Best of BoDeans: Slash and Burn”. I just grinned when I looked at that set of tracks.

I bought it and I’ve played it and played it and played it some more. I’ve listened to other music this week, don’t be silly, but BoDeans has been getting as much car CD time as GreenDay. I took it over to our friend’s house for our regular card night. They loved it…I knew they would.

They’ve got a LOT of music out and I wish I could have bought it all, but this one album does wrap up their feel with great respect. Some of their best stuff is recorded live. Sing alongs and anthems that roll through the back of your head.

And no…they’re NOT the guys who did the theme from Friends, unfortunately, at least for me, their “Closer to Free” was the theme from “Party of Five.” Somehow it was their only hit.

Basically if you like rock’n’roll in the old school tradition…if you honestly miss The Replacements, if you’re still waiting for a new Springsteen album that just plain rocks, pick up “Slash and Burn.” It will fill in the gap very nicely.

Oh, and since it’s been an issue on some blogs the past week or two. I don’t get a dime from any of the bands I write about. T-Shirts would be appreciated and accepted, but other than that I just write about ’em ‘cuz I like ’em.

20. January 2005 · Comments Off on What Do You Know About Chris Pierce? · Categories: That's Entertainment!

My sources tell me he is the hottest indie act in LA just now, and on the threshold of breaking out nationally..Keep your eyes (and ears) open.

18. January 2005 · Comments Off on American Idol · Categories: Ain't That America?, That's Entertainment!

It’s like watching a wreck…you want to turn away, hit the mute button, but you just can’t.

I’m rootin’ for the rock-dude who left his band even though I know he prolly won’t make it very far.

I don’t think they should have the seriously emotionally disturbed people on the show. I don’t mind the folks who were delusional, but the folks completely divorced from reality…not entertaining, way too exploitive.

Was it just me or did Mary Roach remind you of the kids in high school who knew all the words to every Grateful Dead song and played with their fingers in front of their face too much? You know…the ones who could make Frisbees do things that freaked your Physics Teacher out. There was THAT kind of intensity there. They didn’t have Teret’s but at any moment they might just start giggling and talking about the bunnies and how the General was going to get you. Made sure the radio stayed on the rock station when they were around ‘cuz pop would just wig them out.

16. January 2005 · Comments Off on Don’t Miss This · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

After 25 years, I have just seen Being There, currently showing on HBO, for the first time. Perhaps they stirred up some interest with their excellent bio-pic The Life and Death of Peter Sellers. I can’t thank them enough.

This movie seems to have gone totally over the heads of those who only know Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, as it was an absolute flop at the box office, despite a Best Actor Oscar nomination for Sellers, and a Supporting Actor win for Melvyn Douglas. But if you like comedy which is wry and nuanced, as I do, you must see this. I can’t wait until they show it again.

13. January 2005 · Comments Off on Documentaries, Profanity, And The MPAA · Categories: Military, That's Entertainment!

Michael Tucker has sent me this email about his ne movie Gunner Palace:

It’s possible that you have already heard of my film, “Gunner Palace”,
which follows the Army’s 2/3 FA in Baghdad in 2003-2004. The film is
going to be released nation wide on March 4, 2005.

To prepare for the release, we recently submitted the film to the MPAA
for rating. It came back with a “hard” “R” for language, which is the
height of irony considering where these soldiers are and what they are
doing. These are not actors playing soldiers, these are soldiers. It’s
all about context and I’ve decided to appeal the decision.

I think your readers might want to weigh in on this. I’ve attached a
piece by Jack Valenti, grandfather of the MPAA system and WWII vet, on
the FCC/ABC/”saving Private Ryan” telecast last Veterans’ Day–he
argues the case for context
better than I ever could.

• I had hoped that the MPAA would be able to make a distinction between
reality and fiction, more, I thought that an association tasked with
reflecting the opinion of American parents, would be able to see that
the majority of Americans support the individual soldier in Iraq and
know that soldiers are living in, and responding to, a very violent

• Is there profanity in the film? Yes. Is it worse than anything on
the latest RIAA rated CD or what is heard in the hallways of American
high schools? No. The soldiers in the film are simply reacting to the
violence and intensity they live in. Writing about the American
soldier, Oliver North said that after a few months in combat they can,
“take profanity to the level of a new art form.”

• According to the MPAA guidelines more than two uses of a “F” word is
an automatic “R” rating. Profanity, like it or not, is the language of
combat. General Norman Schwarzkopf is quoted as saying, “War is a
profanity because, let’s face it, you’ve got two opposing sides trying
to settle their differences by killing as many of each other as they

• General George C. Patton, known to most Americans via George C.
Scott’s PG rated profanity laden portrayal of him, was once asked by
his nephew about his use of profanity, to which he replied, “You can’t
run an army without profanity. An army without profanity couldn’t fight
it’s way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.”

Anyway, I somehow think Hollywood is out of touch with America. When I
tell people that we are at war, they often say “What war?” When I went
to Baghdad to make this film, all the soldiers asked is that I “tell it
like is”–the good and the bad. That’s what I did and I think that
their voices need to be heard without undue restriction.

As a soldier says in the film, “For y’all this is just a show, but we
live in this movie.”


Mike Tucker

To me, profanity in a documentary, particularly one about the military, is akin to full frontal nudity in National Geographic. Should we also be taking that out of children’s reach?

As for Gunner Palace, I haven’t seen it yet, of course. But if indeed it does “tell it like it is,” I wish Michael all the luck in the world. As we all know, there is far more going on in Iraq than the crap we see in the popular media.


10. January 2005 · Comments Off on 24 · Categories: That's Entertainment!

This remains the most engaging series on broadcast TV. However, as with Timmer’s post on National Treasure, I tend to get caught up in the technical details. For one, it is absurd to believe a federal law enforcement unit wouldn’t call upon local police to secure a perimeter – something the LAPD and LA County Sheriffs could do in an instant at Union Station. Further, in the time it took Jack to free himself from the cuffs, the perp could be on the Ventura Freeway, and halfway to the valley (either San Fernando or San Gabriel). Ridiculous.

09. January 2005 · Comments Off on The Ultimate Makeover. · Categories: That's Entertainment!

A few of these guys I know personally. The others I know of. This is the makover dream-team. And the job they do for the SEMA show on this ’70 Mustang for TLC’s Overhaulin’ is something to be seen.

Oh, and of course, there’s always Courtney. What a babe! 🙂

09. January 2005 · Comments Off on Nightmare On The Dream Ticket · Categories: That's Entertainment!

If you should buy Elton John’s Dream Ticket CD set, take my advice: save the first disk for later. This is from a performance at Carnegie Hall, which can only be described as an aging rocker attempting to recapture past glory. The low point is a guest appearance from Mary J. Blige, where she can best be described as a cross between Tina Turner and Kermit the Frog.

While I haven’t seen the fourth disc yet, the second and third are mesmerizing. Watch those first.

07. January 2005 · Comments Off on I Don’t Know About You… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

… But I am really looking forward to the US premiere of Battlestar Galactica on the 14th. The word from my friends in Britain, where it has been showing for some time on Sky One, is that it is as good as the mini-series, which I loved.

06. January 2005 · Comments Off on An Editorial Syzygy · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

It’s a very rare occasion when the NYTimes’ editorial board and I are of like thought, but this is one:

Sometimes an idea comes along that is so stupid, all you can do is stand back, give it some room, and stare:


Gene Autry is turning over in his grave.

06. January 2005 · Comments Off on Just Marvel-ous · Categories: That's Entertainment!

In their TV ads for the new movie Elektra, starring Jennifer Garner, Twentieth Century Fox proudly announces, “from the people who brought you X-Men.” I find it amusing that they say nothing about Daredevil. 🙂

05. January 2005 · Comments Off on Ima…Media Pig · Categories: That's Entertainment!

So here we are, socked in under about a foot of wind-blown snow which means…there are drifts everywhere…especially in front of my car…and I’m jazzed that there’s a new episode of “Lost” tonight, followed by a two hour “Alias”. I’m just happy as a gopher in warm dirt.

And yes…I have popcorn…and my very own popcorn bowl that I got for Christmas.

So while I’m shoveling…I have something to look forward to. The only question is, do I shovel before or after the plow comes through and closes my driveway again?

05. January 2005 · Comments Off on Oh My · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I heard it on the radio on the way in this morning.

Ashlee Simpson’s Halftime Performance Falls Flat

Hat tip to Kevin Aylward at Wizbang Bring Back ‘Up With People’