08. March 2005 · Comments Off on Attention Burger King, I · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Okay…I’ve tried to be nice, but last night THAT commercial was on every other break and you know what? Hootie in a cowboy outfit singing that creepy song is starting to make my tummy turn against everything BK…and I was working on a solid once a week Bacon Cheddar Ranch habit. I think you spent too much money on the disturbing big-head king outfit and now you’re trying to make it work and quite frankly, you’re scaring kittens and making babies cry.

It’s like HeeHaw mixed with Baywatch meets PeeWee’s Playhouse on acid and nobody finds that attractive.

Maybe you’re saying to yourselves, “Hey, at least people are talking about it.” and there’s “…no such thing as bad publicity.” but I’m tellin’ you guys, I’ll take Boyo back to McDonald’s in a heartbeat if I think it will discourage that freak show of a commercial.

06. March 2005 · Comments Off on A Decade, And $13M Later… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

…A spokesperson for Axl Rose claim completion of Chinese Democracy is in the offing. Avid Guns n’ Roses fans will say “how many times have we heard this before?”

Mr. Rose is reportedly working on the album even now in a San Fernando Valley studio. “The ‘Chinese Democracy’ album is very close to being completed,” Merck Mercuriadis, the chief executive officer of Sanctuary Group, which manages Mr. Rose, wrote in a recent statement. He added that other artists including Peter Gabriel and Stevie Wonder “have throughout their careers consistently taken similar periods of time without undeserved scrutiny as the world respects that this is what it can sometimes take to make great art.” There’s certainly more than enough material; as Mr. Zutaut says, even years ago “people felt like the record had been made four or five times already.” But of course, rumors of the album’s imminent release have circulated since almost the very beginning of the tale, more than a decade ago.

And at the center of that tale, now as then, is the confounding figure of Axl Rose himself. A magnetic talent, a moody unpredictable artist, a man of enormous ideas and confused follow-through, he has proven himself to be an uncontrollable variable in any business plan.

Update: I think the quintessential example of long time between albums artists is Donald Fagen – 11 years from The Nightfly to Kamakiriad. Another seven to Two Against Nature. Gabriel and Wonder both have long stretches between releases. But they were still quite active in collaborative efforts, production, etc..

01. March 2005 · Comments Off on Picked up Some New Discs 050301 · Categories: That's Entertainment!

It’s payday so…music music was bought.

Los Lonely Boys Live at the Fillmore, Oct 23 2004
Review in 5 words or less: Harmonizing voices, guitars and keyboards.

Forty Years: The Artistry of Tony Bennett
Review in 5 words or less: The box matches my sunglasses. What are you kiddin’ me?

Maroon 5, Songs About Jane
Review in 5 words or less: They’re from Nebraska…shrug.

28. February 2005 · Comments Off on Missed This Part of the Translation Salma… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

“Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …”
Che Guevara

…or wasn’t that in the charming little inspirational from “The Motorcycle Diaries?”

I’m not sure what’s weirder, really really rich people who make their living here but who live abroad applauding one of the most ruthless motherf*****s of the past century, or the juxtaposition of what was really a sweet little idealistic song attached to said mf?

What’s really scary to me? I KNOW I’m in the minority in our country simply because I know who Ernesto Guevara de la Serna is. Most Americans probably think it’s a quaint little tale of adventure with pretty ethnic music.

And it just pisses me off that Antonio Banderas and Carlos Santana made it all the more attractive. I LIKE those guys.

I know I’m late on this but it’s been a weird day.

27. February 2005 · Comments Off on 10 Reasons I Won’t Be Watching the Oscars! · Categories: General, That's Entertainment!

1. I don’t remember going to the movies at all, this last year. Honestly, nothing I read about any of them in the reviews would have moved me off a rock ledge overhanging a thousand-foot drop, let alone wasting nearly $10 and two and a half hours of my life.

2. Ooops, I did go to one movie, but only because Blondie dragged me to “Phantom of the Opera”. Nice costumes, very operatic music, principal performers’ voices not really strong enough for the materiel, though.

3. The Oscars are different from how many similar entertainment award shows— how?

4. Four hours of self-congratulatory pap, by over-dressed, over-bejewelled, over-paid nit-wits. Sorry, guys, I am easily bored; I already know I would want those four hours of my life back.

5. I go to movies to be amused, enthralled and entertained; not to be grossed out, have my intelligence (and my values) insulted, or be deafened by the soundtrack. Curiously, this means I have never gone to a Tarantino movie. I may have seen an early Stanley Kubrick movie or two, but I just may be remembering reading the Mad Magazine parody.

6. Characters in movies as sick, psychopathic, or just plain nasty people; somehow these are the award-winning performances, but if I wouldn’t want to spend ten minutes with their real-life version…. Why the hell should I spend two-hours plus, with them in the multiplex?

7. Curiously enough, the movies from the past that over time emerge as truly stellar, intriguing, develop a popular or cult following… they were usually pretty well ignored by the Oscars for the year they were considered.

8. Hollywierd is an insular little world, and for the last thirty years dripped covert contempt for those of us in fly-over country. This year, that contempt became overt. Right back at ya, Hollywierd.

9. I actually have a life, and have to go to work tomorrow, where no one there gives a damn about the Oscars, either.

10. There’s no Lord of the Rings move in the running, this year, so why bother?

26. February 2005 · Comments Off on Cursed · Categories: That's Entertainment!

In Wes Cravens newest big screen comedy( I mean Scary Movie), I laughed(mostly at the bad acting), I cried (mostly at the bad acting), and I almost pissed my pants, laughing so hard.
I think good old Wes is trying to make the transistion from Master of Horror to King of comedy. The script work was ( I shudder to think of it)……elemantary school at best, and the actors (all new up-and-comers ) probably did’nt get paid enough to actually do any acting, and should stick to television.
So in retrospect if you want to see a comedy I highly suggest this Scary Movie Wannabe.

25. February 2005 · Comments Off on OK, So… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

…Who else sees the similarities between tonight’s episode of BSG, and Silence of the Lambs/Dead Man Walking?

25. February 2005 · Comments Off on The Mix Tape Without All The Work · Categories: Technology, That's Entertainment!

This article (free registration required) I received from the Washington Post’s Tech News E-Mail took me back:

Downloaded and Ready to Rock
iPod Nights Turn Amateurs Into Digital DJs at D.C. Club
By Jose Antonio Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 25, 2005; Page A01

I’m not even going to excerpt it; you get the idea from the title. I’ve been navel gazing on our new toys, our iPods, as I play more with iTunes and my ability to make playlists. The simple ability to sit down at you computer and drag and drop playlists is both very cool and very sad at the same time.

Remember when you were young and single and had a LOT of free time on your hands? Yeah, me neither, but I somehow managed to spend a ridiculous amount of time making mix tapes. I still have some around the house in boxes and old AAFES bags. Every stereo in the dorm had not only a turntable but two cassette player/recorders. Mine had “fast dubbing” so I could record tape to tape twice as fast. There was the geek with the reel to reel but he listened to wayyy too much classical. And of course, the obligatory idiot who had to put Bose 901s into a 8’x8′ dorm room. He may not have been in your dorm…but you could hear him. The Base Commander could usually hear him, and you can be sure the Wing Commander knew the young idjit’s name because he somehow managed to crank out “Welcome to the Jungle” five minutes before the “no-notice” recall was supposed to start.

It used to be you borrowed a friend’s album…you cleaned it, because no one and I do mean no one took better care of other people’s albums than you did. You needed music, you had minimal cash, you needed your reputation. You made sure your needle was clean. Maybe blast the turntable area with a bit of canned air. You got your Memorex or your TDK out of the shrink wrap. You tried to remember the last time you cleaned the heads of your cassette recorder and you gave up and cleaned them again too. All that before you cued up the tape past the leader hitting play/record/pause…holding your finger on pause as you oh so lightly let the needle land into the intro groove just as you released the pause button. Minimal sizzle…no pop…a clean recording…in real time so you had to listen to what you were doing. And that was just for one master album.

Mix tapes were best done on Saturdays…maybe get started a little before noon. You’ve had breakfast at the chow hall. There’s still adequate beer left in your lil ‘fridge from last night. Time to get to work. You’re mixing. You don’t know what yet but there’s been a playlist forming in your head for about a week or so now. This nagging chord that fades into a riff that you just know will be sweet if you can put it together. Crack a beer…check your notes…you think you’ve got the first side done but what to go out with? Wait…damn…you’re 15 seconds over on side one.

You get the idea.

And as much as it gives me the tinglies to simply be able to drag and drop my playlists, juggling orders with the ease of cut and paste, deciding on the two second pause between tracks with the click of the mouse, I kind of miss all the work. I know…it’s happened. I’ve grown a bit nostalgic for the way things used to be. I know it’s better to spend 10 minutes doing what it used to take all afternoon to do…musically anyway…but I kind of miss the feeling of there being a craft to it. It’s all cerebral now. It’s easier to make the mix, but I miss the old tools.

Guess that makes me old huh?

21. February 2005 · Comments Off on More On Gunner Palace · Categories: Military, That's Entertainment!

Michael Tucker’s Iraq documentary, Gunner Palace, which I blogged on here, was just covered on FNC’s Hannity & Colmes, along with a few clips. It seems to portray our servicepeople quite favorably.

21. February 2005 · Comments Off on More Project Runway Notes · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I’ve just read the infamous Popgurls interview with Vanessa Riley, as well as this interview with Austin Scarlett. My opinion is now stronger than ever that this woman has her head shoved quite far up her ass.

In the story, she professes her revulsion at working with “kids”. But Alexandria Vidal, who, along with herself and Kevin Johnn, see feels are the 3 best designers of the show, was only 22. She claims no additional opportunities as a result of Project Runway, yet wonders if she should now “go big”.

She takes several digs at Houston, Texas, where she lives, claiming there’s no opportunity for a haute couture designer to flourish there. But, while Houston may not be New York or Los Angeles, or even Dallas, it’s still a huge metropolis, with a large professional class – exactly what she identifies as her target market.

Even on the matter of Heidi Klum, she finds her totally aloof and vacuous. She also laments that Heidi made no effort to “be friends” or “mentor” the contestants. First, as a judge, would it have been at all appropriate for Heidi to do anything like that during the show.? As well, in reading Austin’s interview, it seems he and Heidi have maintained a relationship since. He designed her Halloween costume (he did not, however, get a chance to design Nancy O’Dell’s Oscar gown).

t seems that Austin and Vanessa have remained good friends since the show was taped. Austin should be a good friend, and set her straight on a few things – particularly her own inflated self-image.

19. February 2005 · Comments Off on We’re Not the Only Ones… · Categories: General Nonsense, That's Entertainment!

Art by Jesse Barboza

Golden Age of Cartoons has more art and articles related to the “New and Improved” version of Bugs and crew.

Via John from Michele’s comment’s.

18. February 2005 · Comments Off on Bloggin’ the Oscars · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Gil Cates, Producer for this year’s Academy Awards Show, is Blogging the process.

If you’re interested.

18. February 2005 · Comments Off on You Realize of Course…This Means War! · Categories: Media Matters Not, That's Entertainment!

Warner Brothers have lost their minds.

Okay. That’th it buthter! You can’t get away with thith:

Dug The Animaniacs. Loved Pinky and the Brain.

You don’t f*ck around with the rabbit you miserable twits.

I’ll moiderlize ’em, get my big brudder, sniff, HONK, that’s what I’ll do…you’ll see.


Update: OMG!!! The new character’s name is Buzz Bunny. Look what happens when you Google Search (NSFW) it. That’s the third choice down folks. Bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.

18. February 2005 · Comments Off on A Musical Tidbit · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I don’t know if this will be of interest to anyone. But I’ve been looking for the lyrics to Th’ Legendary Shack*Shakers C.B. Song for some time. If you are unfamiliar, it’s the tune used on the GEICO commercial with the guy and the gecko wearing sunglasses as they drive through the tunnel. So, here it is:

I said a-little honey bunny tell me what’s your 20?
I got my rabbit ears on and I wanna get chummy chummy
Yeah you’re a speed-freakin’ demon, blow my back doors off, Lorrrrd!
But if you ain’t gettin on then I ain’t gettin off
Well I’m 10-4, 10-8 & I got the 10-36
I’d like to stick around and get my miniskirt kicks, Hooah!

Now C’mon C’mon cut yer radidio on
I’m in the hammer down lane steppin’ all alone
You pass your steady-rollin’ buddy from the Guitar Town
Raise hell on wheels & knock the slack riggghhht out
Well C’mon perty baby, why don’tcha cut em on
Yer diesel-drivin’ daddy’s gonna get real gone, hey hey

Well my CB squeeze just put her big ears on
Her Rattletrap papa’s who her handle’s on
She knew I wasn’t no Smokey with an X-ray gun
Now she’s in my bottle-popper all ready to run
She’s my lil lot-lizard but she don’t shed her skin
She just skins the cat when my big rigger rolls in.


17. February 2005 · Comments Off on Random Rambles for a Thursday Morning in February · Categories: General Nonsense, That's Entertainment!

Are all Mac products as simple to use as the iPod and its related software? Because if so…tell me why we went the way of the PC again?

Now that I’ve ripped it I’ve owned Meat Loaf’s “Bat Out of Hell” in 4 different formats.
Same with Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon.”
Same with Springsteen’s “Born to Run.”
Ditto Supertramp’s “Breakfast in America.”
And The Moody Blues’ “Days of Future Past”
In Three Formats:
“Joe Jackson Live” and “The Best of Elvis Costello and The Attractions”

I’ve done the math. To complete my U2 Collection it’s still cheaper to download the whole thing off iTunes with the rebate from the iPod than it is to just try to fill in the holes album by album. But damn…not by much. I don’t even remember buying “Pop” and I can’t tell you if I ever listened to it.

Rattle and Hum still does…and well I might add.

The Cars still put a smile on my face when I hear the opening to “Good Times Roll” and the transition between “Bye Bye Love” and “Moving in Stereo” should never ever be messed with. I’ve taken radio stations off my presets for playing one without the other and I’ll do it again. There’s no excuse for that.

I really miss The Gin Blossoms.

I’m not watching Leno until after the whole Michael Jackson thing is over. Some say it’s made him funny again, I just find it to be a bad case of piling on…which he’s done before and I guess people seem to like it.

American Idol was kind of cool last night…both the rock guys made it through which gives me some hope for the thing at large but don’t we know at this point that it’s down to being between Anthony Fedorov and Mario Vazquez? You know it’s a guy’s year. And these two seem to have the whole thing down. I’d love to be wrong, but my prediction is these two in the last episode.

I own AC/DC’s “The Razor’s Edge?” WT…oh, “Thunderstruck.”

Lost was better last night than last week, but it’s still not where it was. God I hope they don’t start to suck so soon.

Am I the only one who’s going to miss NYPD Blue?

This will make my friend at the DAZ happy.

DAZ is Chicago-ese for Dead Animal Zoo. “Da kidz are goin’ on a field trip.” “Da DAZ?” “No, da Submarine one.”

Thank you for putting up with my boredom. I’m not sure how much longer I can take this. I may need to try walking further today.

16. February 2005 · Comments Off on First iPod Update… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Beautiful Wife uses hers a LOT. They’re almost inseperable. I’d get jealous but I did introduce them. She just bounced through the room to “Somewhere Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin. Seriously…bouncing.

Hear that Paul’s Old Lady? You could be bouncing to some of your favorite stuff too. I’m just saying…

Observation: I own a LOT of albums with the words “compilation/best of/definitive collection/anthology/essential” in their titles.

16. February 2005 · Comments Off on Something For Timmer · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Amazon has the trailer for Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy up.

Hat Tip: InstaPundit

16. February 2005 · Comments Off on I Simply Don’t Care (MJ Edition) · Categories: Stupidity, That's Entertainment!

Is it just me? I don’t care about the whole Michael Jackson thing. It’s not that I don’t think he did it; It’s not that I think he did it; It’s complete apathy about the entire situation. I simply don’t think it’s breaking news that he was rushed to the hospital for the freaking flu.

Why am I supposed to care about this trial? If you’re going to shove another freakazoid reality-slash-Court TV-slash-Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong-slash-American Idol meets The Surreal Life-slash-Where’s The Nanny When You Need Her?-show down my throat would you please cram it all into an hour or two on Fox Entertainment one or two nights a week so I can miss it?
End Rant

15. February 2005 · Comments Off on To Rip or Not to Rip · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Not Ripped:

Nervous Night – The Hooters
On Every Street – Dire Straits
Greatest Hits – Barbara Streisand
This Left Just Feels Right – Bon Jovi
Dreamland – Robert Miles
If My Ancestors Could See Me Now – Ivan Nevelle
Greatest Hits 1974-1978 – Steve Miller Band

Currently Loading:

Rev Up – The Best of – Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels

Albums that Shouldn’t Have Made it But Did:

Shaman – Santana
Lord of the Dance – Original Music by Ronan Hardiman
Slaves and Masters – Deep Purple
Say You Will – Fleetwood Mac
Unplugged – Rod Stewart

Albums That Are Just Wrong to Leave Off, But They Ain’t Makin’ it Anyway:

Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band – Beatles
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road – Elton John
Live from Chicago’s House of Blues – Blues Brothers and Friends

Albums I Forgot I Had:

Jesus Christ Superstar – Original Broadway Cast
Life’s Too Short – Marshall Crenshaw
An Irish Evening – The Chieftans

Fire away.

15. February 2005 · Comments Off on Vanessa Carlton · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Sorry to go so long without a post, and then have this, but it’s stuck in my head. I am inundated with having to hear her on a daily basis singing on the Time Warner Cable commercial. I hate her voice. Great pianist, but that voice. It is like a kid’s voice, only with no emotion. Granted I think Susanna Hoffs sounds like a kid, but a kid with emotion, and to me that is what separates a good singer from a great singer. Pour yourself into a song. Listen to and watch Stevie Nicks, who, according to Vanessa’s bio on her site, was in the studio with Vanessa on her latest album, along with Lindsey Buckingham. Lindsey could teach her a thing or two about putting some emotion in a song.

14. February 2005 · Comments Off on iPods Have Been Purchased · Categories: Technology, That's Entertainment!

The U2 Special Edition for myself and the 20 gig 4th Generation iPod for Beautiful Wife. I have no idea if I’ll ever get around to buying the U2 Collection to make the additional cost make sense, but I do like the color…red, black and chrome. Has an oriental feel to it. Once Beautiful Wife finds out she can decorate hers with different colored stickers or sleeves…hers won’t stay the same color for more than a week anyways. Besides…since she’s got the cassette player in the minivan, she now has the better option for tunes because I bought her the adapter. Once I’m done, the van will be able to cruise with her entire library at our fingertips. That’s just cool.

Next project…get rid of all WMA files and Real Audio Files on my computer and convert re-download everything that’s not to a high quality MP3 Format that will work on all my toys. I was very ignorant of all this when I started putting music on my computer. I just sort of let Real Audio take care of this task and Windows Media take care of another and none of them ever got it all together. Since I can’t go back to work until next week at the very earliest, may as well finally get all my media files into one coherent library. That will be a first.

Oh…how do they sound? Better than I thought they would. They’re digital and clean sounding but there’s a richness…a depth to the sound that I simply wasn’t expecting.

One complaint. With the cost of these suckers they could at least print out the coherent owner’s manual for you. It comes on disk.

Carrying cases? Went with the nylon Case Logics vs the leather Belkins. I’ve never wore out a Case Logic product and I’ve had some of their stuff for over 10 years. They just keep going. Get ’em dirty? Throw ’em in the wash. Perhaps not as chique as some cases, but that’s okay, I’m not out to impress anyone but my ears.

Must go rip more music and load the hungry little rascals now. 20 gigs is a LOT of music and I know I won’t get them all filled up anytime soon but I do want my basics on there. And then Beautiful Wife will sit down and load hers up which will be different since she’s got some similar tastes, but not all.

Update: Get a carrying case of some sort ‘cuz damn…they scratch wayyyyyyyyy too easy. Doesn’t show so much on the white but on the black? It leaps right out at you. Just an aesthetic thing but…I’m nothing if not thorough.

13. February 2005 · Comments Off on Is it Just Me…(Grammy Edition) · Categories: That's Entertainment!

or is this the best Grammy Show in…forever?

Update: Okay, it’s official, Bono said it’s the best ever. Who am I to argue?

Another Thing: The pretentious, “I’m way too cool for the Grammys.” stuff being lobbed around in some other blogs is just sad. If you were so cool why didn’t you go watch “Desperate Housewives” or something? The Melissa Etheridge version of “Piece of My Heart” was worth every long commercial break.

10. February 2005 · Comments Off on 48 More Days · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Coming April 1st

10. February 2005 · Comments Off on H2G2 Frenzy Builds (Vogon Porn) · Categories: That's Entertainment!

There’s only one movie that I’m waiting for this year. Yes, I’m curious about the duel between Anikin and Obi Wan, but when that scene is over, I’m expecting to take a nap while Boyo finishes the rest of the flick.

But the movie that has me impatiently checking the calendar for the 6th of May and that has me keeping my towel handy, is “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy.”

Here’s some Vogon Porn for you all. It’s okay…it’s only pictures…there are no sound clips of actual poetry readings…I don’t think it would be legal. I’m curious to see how they’re going to handle that…because you know…a theater full of people watching a Vogon read poetry in surround sound…well…ewwwwwwwwww.

Vogan Porn via Emily.

09. February 2005 · Comments Off on Well, The East Coast Girls Are Hip, I Really Dig Those Styles They Wear. · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I have just watched episode 106 of Bravo’s Queer Eye for the Straight Girl. And I must say, even though the Gal Pals don’t have nearly the charisma of the Fab 5, this show has definite hit potential. But there’s one problem: Hey Robbie, get a clue, dude. Here in SoCal, we like our girls dressed down – no 3″ heels, no plunging necklines (unless they are part of a back-tied surf-top). Stop trying to make our girls look like they come from New York.

Update: Gawd, I’m watching this, and it’s like having teeth pulled. I’m watching this SoCal surf-chick entertaining in what looks like a house-dress. And now she’s out on the beach in a gold-lamet evening gown. belch.

09. February 2005 · Comments Off on E Freaking GAD! · Categories: That's Entertainment!

On Bravo’s Project Runway tonight, Jay has just picked Julia, the model that left him in a lurch last week, again.

The design challenge is a dress for the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. In an analysis before the show, contestant Wendy about has it right: it’s between her and Jay to be eliminated; Kara and Austin are a lock.

More later.

Update: Banana Republic has really fucked off an opportunity, by not moving the story line of their commercial series ahead each week (they’re still on “chapter eight”). They could have had something in the same pantheon as the famed Taster’s Choice commercials.

Update 2: WTF is Robert still doing around? He was eliminated last week!

Update 3: I already know Kara Saun will win tonight.

Update 4: This challenge is a dress for the Grammy Awards, so Austin’s flamboyance may carry the day. But my money’s still on Kara.

Update 5: Wendy’s dress SUCKS. If it weren’t for that it’s on Melissa, I’d barf.. Eek, Jay’s sucks too!

Update 6: EVERYBODY has been raked over the coals by the judges. But, if Kara Saun had done her’s as a dress, rather than a pantsuit, she’d have been a lock. My money’s still on her.

Update 6: Michael Kors about Austin – “We can’t seem to get him out of the box.” Well, he’s CERTAINLY out of the closet. 🙂

Update 7: OMFG, Wendy won! Austin’s out! I have to go lie down.

Update 8: OMDFG, what a consolation prize! Austin just got a commission from judge Nancy O’Dell (of Access Hollywood), for whom they were designing tonight’s dress, to design her gown for the Oscars! Jeezus – fuck Olympus Fashion Week – a thing for the In Crowd. The Oscars are the Grand Prix of popular Haute Couture.

09. February 2005 · Comments Off on Worst. Music. Idea. Ever. Challenge… · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Over at PoliBlog.

Via James Joyner over at OTB.